Rumours Moscato 750ml
Grapes are specially selected from small parcels of vines in
South Eastern Australia. The vines are carefully cultivated to
our specifications, with low yields producing intensely flavoured grapes of outstanding quality.COLOUR: Straw with green hues emerging.
NOSE: Floral scents combine with fresh lime and citrus notes.
PALATE: Vibrant fruits fill the palate.
FOOD MATCH SUGGESTIONS: An ideal accompaniment to citrus desserts, thai dishes and great start to a
PEAK DRINKING: Ready for enjoyment now. Store in a cool, dry environment.
Rumours Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml
Grapes are specially selected from small parcels of vines in South EasternAustralia. The vines are carefully cultivated to our specifications, with lowyields producing intensely-flavoured grapes of outstanding quality.
COLOUR: Crimson with deep red hues.
NOSE: Blackberry fruits with underlying cedar and vanilla notes.
PALATE: Ripe berry fruits with silky tannins and chocolate flavours.
FOOD MATCH SUGGESTIONS: An ideal accompaniment to red meat dishes.
PEAK DRINKING: Ready for enjoyment now. Store in a cool, dry environment.
Rumours Shiraz 750ml
Grapes are specially selected from small parcels of vines in South Eastern
Australia. The vines are carefully cultivated to our specifications, with low
yields producing intensely-flavoured grapes of outstanding quality.COLOUR: Deep plum with purple hues.
NOSE: Black cherries and red fruits with hints of vanilla and chocolate.
PALATE: Sweet red berry fruit flavours, silky cocoa tanins giving this wine great length.
FOOD MATCH SUGGESTIONS: An ideal accompaniment to red meat dishes.
PEAK DRINKING: Ready for enjoyment now. Store in a cool, dry environment.
Rumours Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
Grapes are specially selected from small parcels of vines in South Eastern
Australia. The vines are carefully cultivated to our specifications, with low
yields producing intensely-flavoured grapes of outstanding quality.COLOUR: Pale straw with bright green hue.
NOSE: Lifted tropical and herbaceous notes.
PALATE: Layers of fresh tropical fruits on the palate with a clean and zesty finish.
FOOD MATCH SUGGESTIONS: An ideal accompaniment to chicken, fish or salad dishes.
PEAK DRINKING: Ready for enjoyment now. Store in a cool, dry environment
Rumours Pink Moscato 750ml
Rumours Pink Moscato is a delightfully fresh, fruity and vibrant sweet style rosé that is made for immediate enjoyment. Aromas and flavours of musk and honey on a palate that is lower in alcohol make for an extremely refreshing wine.
COLOUR: Vivid rose pink.
NOSE: A lifted nose of fresh strawberries and cream.
PALATE: The palate displays cherry and strawberries, finishing with a light spritz.
FOOD MATCH SUGGESTIONS: An ideal accompaniment to berry desserts, and great start to a celebration.
PEAK DRINKING: Ready for enjoyment now. Store in a cool, dry environment.
Rumours Merlot 750ml
Grapes are specially selected from small parcels of vines in South Eastern
Australia. The vines are carefully cultivated to our specifications, with low
yields producing intensely-flavoured grapes of outstanding quality.COLOUR: Deep red.
NOSE: Lifted red berry and spice aromas.
PALATE: Flavoursome palate of cherry, raspberry complemented with smooth lengthy tannins.
FOOD MATCH SUGGESTIONS: An ideal accompaniment to red meat dishes.
PEAK DRINKING: Ready for enjoyment now. Store in a cool, dry environment.
Rumours Chardonnay 750ml
Grapes are specially selected from small parcels of vines in
South Eastern Australia. The vines are carefully cultivated to
our specifications, with low yields producing intensely flavoured grapes of outstanding quality.COLOUR: Pale Straw with bright lemon hue.
NOSE: Fresh green apple and citrus aromas.
PALATE: Ripe peach and melon flavours. Creamy textured with a fresh crisp finish.
FOOD MATCH SUGGESTIONS: An ideal accompaniment to chicken, fish or salad dishes.
PEAK DRINKING: Ready for enjoyment now. Store in a cool, dry environment.
Rumours Cabernet Merlot 750ml
Grapes are specially selected from small parcels of vines in South Eastern
Australia. The vines are carefully cultivated to our specifications, with low
yields producing intensely-flavoured grapes of outstanding quality.COLOUR: Dark crimson with rich red hues.
NOSE: Blackcurrant fruit with underlying chocolate aromas.
PALATE: Ripe plum and dark berry flavours complete this wine.
FOOD MATCH SUGGESTIONS: An ideal accompaniment to red meat dishes
PEAK DRINKING: Ready for enjoyment now. Store in a cool, dry environment.