
  • $50.80

    B&G Margaux 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Garnet red of good intensity. Delicate and fine nose of red berries mixed with nice vanilla and spicy overtones. Perfectly balanced with velvety tannins.

  • $51.40

    B&G Chablis 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Bright yellow with golden highlights.Flattering nose with peach and pear aromas. On the second nose, floral and mineral notes appear.Fresh and lively on the palate with a long and crisp fruity finish.

  • $53.90

    Chateau Toinet Lavalade 750ML

    Deep ruby red colour

    Fruit driven with ripe red berries (redcurrant, raspberry) and delicate aromas of cocoa and tobacco.

    Well balanced, with smooth tannins and long fruity aromas.

  • $55.00

    Bottega Gold Prosecco Spumante DOC 11% 750ml

    Color and Appearance: Bright, straw yellow, fine and persistent perlage. Bouquet: Typical and refined with fruity (green apples, pear, citrus fruits) and floral (white flowers, acacia, wisteria and lily of the valley) notes, sage and spices in the finish.

    Taste: Soft, harmonious and elegant, with a slim body and with lively yet balanced acidity.

  • $55.00

    Bottega White Gold Venezia DOC Spumante Brut 11% 750ml

    Color and Appearance: Straw yellow with gold reflexes, fine and persistent perlage.

    Bouquet: Elegant and refined, it is characterized by fruity hints (mainly apple and peach), delicate floral aromas (hawthorn above all), with a finish of honey notes and a special aromaticity reminding

    of dried fruit.

    Taste: Soft and captivating, on the palate it creates a perfect balance between the freshness of Glera grape, the body of Chardonnay grape and the acidity of Pinot grape

  • $55.00

    Bottega Rose Gold Spumante 11.5% 750ml

    Color and Appearance: Brilliant, subtle pink color, fine and persistent perlage.

    Bouquet: Intense, elegant, complex, characterized by floral and fruity notes, mainly mixed berries, currants and wild strawberries.

    Taste: Fresh, delicate, soft, structured, with balanced acidity and a pleasant and persistent aftertaste.

  • $55.00

    Bottega Acino Chianti Classico DOCG Riserva 13.5% 750ml

    Color and Appearance: Intense ruby red with garnet tinges.

    Bouquet: Fine but complex and intense bouquet, starting with floral notes (mainly violet), developing into ripe fruity and vanilla bean notes, to finish with balsamic notes and hints of licorice.

    Taste: Captivating, soft and velvety, it is soft and elegant on the palate, rich in noble tannins, with a high persistence to taste and a pleasant final smoothness.

  • $59.00

    Bottega Limoncino Liquore 30% 700ml

    Color and Appearance: Lemon yellow.

    Bouquet: Intense aroma of ripe lemons.

    Taste: Sweet, full, juicy with a slightly citrus fragrance.

  • $59.50

    B&G Aop Pouilly-Fuisse 750ML

    Bright yellow with golden highlights.Delicate nose of white flower (jasmine) and peach aromas with flattering flinty notes.Harmonious and rich on the palate with a long floral finish.

  • $61.50

    Thomas Barton Reserve Sauternes 750ml

    The beautiful bouquet displays overtones of honey, tropical fruit, apricot, and orange marmalade. Intense, full-bodied, and simply irresistible on the palate, this wine is perfectly balanced and wonderfully fresh.

  • $65.00

    Bottega Miabi Pinot Nero Spumante 12% 750ml

    Color and Appearance: Straw-yellow, bright, fine and persistent perlage. 

    Bouquet: Complex, elegant and refined bouquet characterized by light and pleasant aromas of crusty bread and yeast with a delicate floral edge at the end.

    Taste: Full, well-rounded and velvety, with excellent structure and taste-olfactory persistence. It is characterized by its richness of flavour, balanced acidity and yellow fruit aromas that, in the finish, tend towards sweet almond.

  • $75.00

    B&G Chateau Magnol 750Ml


    “Vintage may vary”. Deep red with a ruby shade.Avery expressive nose full of red berry aromas ( strawberries, raspberries) as well as toasty and minty notes.Good concentration, with present but soft tannins and a long fruity and spicy finish.

  • $75.00

    Bottega Colors Vodka Bio Alexander 38% 700ml

    Color and Appearance: colorless, clear and crystalline. 

    Bouquet: it has a clean intense nose characterized by a typical grain note and subtle balsamic accents. 

    Taste: soft, round and full bodied, it is balanced on the palate with an aftertaste which fuses a flash of freshness with the personality of the grain used in its making.

  • $79.00

    B&G Aop Chateauneuf-Du-Pape 750ML

    Deep red garnet colour.

    Intense nose with aromas of ripe fruits (raspberry, blackcurrant, plum) mixed with toasted and licorice hints.

    Full on the palate, mixing the character of black fruits with the warmth of the spices. Round and long finish with lively notes of mint.

  • $79.00

    Bottega Stella Millesimato Extra Dry 11% 750ml (Blue Version)

    Bottega Stella is a Brut sparkling wine of great personality that originates from a special cuveé obtained from Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Glera grapes. The bottle of great and immediate impact portrays a constellation on its surface. The blue background highlights the stars that shine intensely, thanks to the LED light bulb placed at the base of the bottle and which can be activated through the simple flip of a switch. Original and refined, Bottega Stella is an intriguing suggestion for exclusive parties, informal events or evenings with friends.

  • $79.00

    Bottega Stella Rosa Millessimato Rosé Extra Dry 11.5% 750ml

    Color and Appearance

    Bright mother-of-pearl pink, fine and persistent perlage.


    Complex olfactory notes with floral hints of undergrowth and fruity hints of pear and white pulp peach.


    Fresh and slightly sapid, it reproduces on the palate a complexity similar to the olfactory one.

  • $88.00

    Kwv 10year Brandy 38% 750ml

    A vintage brandy matured in oak barrels for 10 years. With its deep amber colour, KWV 10 Year Old contains complex, dried-fruit and port-wine aroma, enhanced by subtle spicy and nutty flavours. A full-bodied brandy, with a lingering, fruity and slightly sweet finish.

    Background: KWV 10 Year Old Brandy is produced by pure copper potstill distillation from carefully selected wines derived from the recognized brandy grape cultivars grown in the best suited areas of the Cape Wineland in terms of soil, climate and location.

  • $95.00

    Bottega Brunello Montalcino DOCG 14% 750ml

    Color and Appearance: Intense ruby red with garnet tinges.

    Bouquet: Clear, characteristic, intense and persistent: hints of berries and violet, of musk, spices and aromatic wood, notes of vanilla and jam, balsamic aromas.

    Taste: Dry, warm, well-structured, robust, complex and soft, with elegant tannins perfectly balanced with the alcohol content, pleasant and persistent aftertaste.

  • $95.00

    Bottega Amarone Valpolicella Docg. 16% 750ml

    Valpolicella is a land devoted to growing vines since ancient times: its name “vallis polis cellae” actually means “the valley of many cellars”. Here are grown indigenous vines like Corvina Veronese, Corvinone, Rondinella and Molinara, used to produce important and unique red wines. Amarone DOCG, the noblest red wine of Valpolicella and one of the most important Italian wines, has seduced the most refined palates worldwide, thanks to its inimitable personality, its charm and its character of traditional yet modern wine.

  • $135.00

    Kwv 12year Brandy 38% 750ml

    KWV 12 barrel select represents artful blending by the KWV brandy master to deliver a perfect marriage of aged potstills, the product of years of careful crafting. This golden liquid conjures dried fruit, honey and oak flavours to deliver a well balanced brandy with a long, lingering aftertaste.

    Deep golden in colour

    Notes of dried fig, potpourri, citrus and a hint of white chocolate with a unique smooth taste

    Best enjoyed neat or on the rocks

  • $150.00

    B&G Chateau Magnol Twin Pack 750ml (WB)

    “Vintage may vary.” Deep red with a ruby shade. Avery expressive nose full of red berry aromas ( strawberries, raspberries) as well as toasty and minty notes. Good concentration, with present but soft tannins and a long fruity and spicy finish.

  • $160.00

    Bottega Stardust Prosecco DOC Dry 11% 750ml (GB)

    Color and Appearance: Delicate rosé colour with fine, long-lasting beading.

    Bouquet: Intense and refined, with an aroma that recalls rose petals, along with notes of peach, melon and exotic fruit and delicate spicy notes to close.

    Taste: Elegant, smooth, slightly sweet, excellent freshness given by the vivacious acidity, a considerably long-lasting aftertaste.

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