
  • $29.00

    Bottega Petalo Amore Moscato Spumante 6.5% 750ml

    Color and Appearance: Straw yellow with fine and lasting perlage. Bouquet: Complex, intense, delicate, with floral (rose, wisteria and wildflowers) and fruity (yellow peach, apricot and citrus) notes and a pleasant hint of sage in the finish.

    Taste: Velvety, pleasantly sweet, intense and persistent with a good acidity that enriches its freshness and balances the high sugar content.

  • $29.00

    Bottega Spumante Venezia 11% 750ml

    Color and Appearance:Straw yellow with golden tinges; fine and persistent perlage.

    Bouquet: Delicate fruity (apple and peach) and floral (hawthorn, acacia and wisteria) aromas with a pleasant almond notes in the finish.

    Taste: Delicate and fresh wine, with a clear and balanced taste; round and smooth on the palate.

  • $28.75

    Tahuna Pinot Gris 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. The Tahuna Pinot Gris has classic aromatic peach flavours along with beautifully balanced acidity and a long finish. It is just off-dry and well suited to seafood, white meats and Asian food styles.

  • $28.75

    Tahuna Sauvignon Blanc 750Ml

    Fresh Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc. The Tahuna Sauvignon Blanc has ripe tropical and gooseberry fruit flavours with a zingy finish and impeccable balance. A great aperitif or seafood wine made for drinking young.


  • $28.45

    B&G Reserve Viognier 750ML

    Light golden yellow.

    Very expressive nose with white flowers aromas (honeysuckle) and fruity

    notes (apricot, peach, pear, tropical fruits).

    Harmonious and round palate with a fruity and floral finish.

    Aperitif, white meat, fish and Asian dishes.

    Best served between 10°C and 12°C / 50°F and 54°F.

  • $28.45

    B&G Sauvignon Blanc Reserve 750ml with Gift Box

    “Vintage may vary”. Pale straw yellow with green highlights.Intense, fresh, developing strong citrus aromas and flattering blackcurrant buds notes.Crisp and refreshing aftertaste on the palate with strong grapefruit aromas.

  • $28.45

    B&G Chardonnay Reserve 750ml with Gift Box

     “Vintage may vary”. Straw gold yellow.Fine and elegant mixing white fruit aromas (pear, quince) with vanilla and taosty notes when agitated.Fruit driven, The attack is fresh, followed by a round and supple feeling on the middle palate. Flattering oaky notes appear on the aftertaste.

  • $28.45

    B&G Merlot Reserve 750ml with Gift Box

    “Vintage may vary”. Brilliant garnet red colour.Fruit driven, the first nose develops wild strawberry aromas and redcurrant notes. On the second nose, delicate coffee and toasty aromas appear.Harmonious, fine and elegant, offering a round structure and a lot of mouth aromas (red berries).

  • $28.45

    B&G Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 750Ml


    “Vintage may vary”. Deep garnet red with purple highlights.Good intensity, mixing ripe black fruits and flattering minty and toasty notes when agitated.Round and smooth on the palate with velvety tannins and a supple texture. Long fruity aftertaste with notes of vanilla.

  • $26.75

    Gossips Shiraz 750ml

    Origin Australia
    Alcohol 13%
    Summer started with cool mornings and nights, with slow ripening producing excellent fruit with no diseases. Grapes are specially selected from small parcels of vines in South Eastern Australia. The vines are carefully cultivated to our specifications, with low yields producing intensely-flavoured grapes of outstanding quality.


    Tasting Notes: Dark berries with chocolate earth aromas. A perfectly balanced and spicy fruit symphony matched with soft, silky supple tannins.

    Food Pairing: An ideal pair with baked figs in prosciutto with Gorgonzola dolce followed by slow cooked lamb shanks. 

  • $26.75

    Gossips Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Origin Australia
    Alcohol 12.5%

    Grapes are specially selected from small parcels of vines in South Eastern Australia. The vines are carefully cultivated to specifications, with low yields producing intensely-flavoured grapes of outstanding quality.

    Rich with lovely berry fruit & wood flavours fused with choc-mint and backed by an excellent tannin

  • $26.75

    Gossips Merlot 750ml

    Origin Australia
    Alcohol 13%

    Summer started with cool mornings and nights, with slow ripening producing excellent fruit with no diseases. Grapes are specially selected from small parcels of vines in South Eastern Australia. The vines are carefully cultivated to our specifications, with low yields producing intensely-flavoured grapes of outstanding quality.

    Tasting Notes: Red berry fruits & spice. A rich, ripe & juicy palate of raspberry & plum fruit. Contains a smooth, warm finish.

    Food Pairing: An ideal accompaniment to antipasto platters and red meat dishes.

  • $26.75

    Gossips Semillon Chardonnay 750ml

    Origin Australia
    Alcohol 11.5%

    Gossips Semillon Chardonnay is dry white wine for those who like the simple things in life. Packed to the brim with tropical aromas and flavours with a definite Melon accent, this the ideal white to enjoy on the patio with a shared seafood platter and great friends.

  • $26.75

    Gossips Semillon Sauvignon 750ml

    Origin Australia
    Alcohol 11%

    Gossips Semillon Sauvignon Blanc continues to be one of the best value whites in Dan Murphy’s. Semillon provides body and texture while Sauvignon Blanc adds fresh, lively characters in this popular blend.

  • $26.75

    Gossips Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Origin Australia
    Alcohol 11%

    Gossips Sauvignon Blanc has a complexity of fruit flavours that is often difficult to find in a wine of this price. You’ll certainly enjoy sharing a Gossip with your friends!

  • $26.75

    Gossips Dolcetto & Syrah 750ml

    Gossips Sweet Lips Dolcetto & Syrah (Shiraz) is ideal for those who prefer their reds with a touch of sweetness. Like all the wines in the Gossips range, it is exceptional value.

    Alcohol: 7%

    Type: Dolcetto and Shiraz

    Size: 750mL

    Country: Australia

    Brand Name: Gossips

    Food Match: Cured Meat

    Closure: Screw Cap

    Wine Sweetness: Sweet

    Wine Body: Medium Bodied

  • $25.95

    Kwv Shiraz 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. This medium bodied wine has fresh raspberry and black cherry aromas, complemented by dark chocolate notes. Pepper, spice, lots of concentration, well integrated tannins. Soft and velvety and lingering aftertaste with soft smokey oak nuances.


  • $25.95

    Kwv Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    “Vintage may vary”. his elegant and refreshing Sauvignon Blanc shows aromas of citrus, delicate floral, herbs and ripe stone fruit. The easy drinking palate is soft, fleshy and juicy with hints of limes and a chalky minerality with a balanced and seamless finish.

  • $25.95

    Kwv Pinotage 750ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Red berry, mulberry and blue berry characters are the primary notes to emanate from this rich and flavourful Pinotage. There are subtle nuances of wood spices and dried herb aromas too. The palate is seductively soft and juicy, with silky tannins and a long, gentle finish.

  • $25.95

    Kwv Merlot 750ml

    “Vintage may vary”. This Merlot exudes aromas of blueberry and upfront red cherries and berries. The wineis soft and elegant, with subtle fruit sweetness on the palate and a velvety tannin structure,yet remains juicy with a refreshing and lingering finish.

  • $25.95

    Kwv Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    “Vintage may vary”. This lively Cabernet Sauvignon emits rich aromas of dark berries, Christmas cake and cassis intermingled with whiffs of cedary oak and dried herbs. The palate showcases lovely red fruit and spice flavours, full of juiciness and a good structure.


  • $24.85

    Kwv Chenin Blanc 750ml

    “Vintage may vary”. This wine is a great example of modern-styled, South African Chenin blanc, which shows true elegance. This wine displays upfront guava, pear and pineapple aromas with hints of honey and green apple on the nose. The palate is vibrant and fresh with a linear acidity and a lingering finish.

  • $23.50

    B&G Cuvee Speciale Blanc 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Pale straw and brilliant. Intense, with floral notes and white fruit aromas (quince, apple).Round and well balanced on the palate, with a nice fruity finish. Pleasant and easy drinking wine.

  • $23.50

    B&G Cuvee Special Rouge 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Cherry red and brilliant, good intensity. Aromatic and pleasant with red fruit aromas (raspberry and blackberry).Medium bodied and well-balanced wine, with round tannins and fruity aromas at the end of the palate.

  • $19.50

    Pearly Bay Celebration 8% 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. This sweet sparkling wine has an attractive floral and muscat nose with hints of honey and tropical flavors.

  • $18.90

    Pearly Bay Celebration Rose 8% 750Ml


    “Vintage may vary.” This sparkling rose wine has delicious red berry and peach aromas and flavors, and a sweet soft finish.

  • $18.00

    Bottega Petalo Amore Moscato Spumante 6.5% 200ml

    Color and Appearance: Straw yellow with fine and lasting perlage. Bouquet: Complex, intense, delicate, with floral (rose, wisteria and wildflowers) and fruity (yellow peach, apricot and citrus) notes and a pleasant hint of sage in the finish.

    Taste: Velvety, pleasantly sweet, intense and persistent with a good acidity that enriches its freshness and balances the high sugar content.

  • $18.00

    Bottega Rose Gold Spumante 11.5% 200ml

    Color and Appearance: Brilliant, subtle pink color, fine and persistent perlage.

    Bouquet: Intense, elegant, complex, characterized by floral and fruity notes, mainly mixed berries, currants and wild strawberries.

    Taste: Fresh, delicate, soft, structured, with balanced acidity and a pleasant and persistent aftertaste.

  • $18.00

    Bottega Gold Prosecco Spumante DOC 11% 200ml

    Color and Appearance: Bright, straw yellow, fine and persistent perlage. Bouquet: Typical and refined with fruity (green apples, pear, citrus fruits) and floral (white flowers, acacia, wisteria and lily of the valley) notes, sage and spices in the finish.

    Taste: Soft, harmonious and elegant, with a slim body and with lively yet balanced acidity.

  • $15.50

    B&G Sparkling Alcohol Free 750ML

    Nice White Gold Colour.

    Intense and aromatic nose typical of the grape variety Muscat combining delicate floral and fruity notes.

    Numerous fine bubbles. Well balance with long and refreshing finish. An enjoyable drink!

  • $6.90

    B&G Cuvee Special Blanc 187ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Cherry red and brilliant, good intensity.Aromatic and pleasant with red fruit aromas (raspberry and blackberry).Medium bodied and well-balanced wine, with round tannins and fruity aromas at the end of the palate.

  • $6.90

    B&G Cuvee Speciale Rouge 187Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Pale straw and brilliant.Intense, with floral notes and white fruit aromas (quince, apple).Round and well balanced on the palate, with a nice fruity finish. Pleasant and easy drinking wine.

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