
  • $55.00

    Bottega Gold Prosecco Spumante DOC 11% 750ml

    Color and Appearance: Bright, straw yellow, fine and persistent perlage. Bouquet: Typical and refined with fruity (green apples, pear, citrus fruits) and floral (white flowers, acacia, wisteria and lily of the valley) notes, sage and spices in the finish.

    Taste: Soft, harmonious and elegant, with a slim body and with lively yet balanced acidity.

  • $18.00

    Bottega Gold Prosecco Spumante DOC 11% 200ml

    Color and Appearance: Bright, straw yellow, fine and persistent perlage. Bouquet: Typical and refined with fruity (green apples, pear, citrus fruits) and floral (white flowers, acacia, wisteria and lily of the valley) notes, sage and spices in the finish.

    Taste: Soft, harmonious and elegant, with a slim body and with lively yet balanced acidity.

  • $118.00

    Takasago Junmai Daiginjo Asahikamui 16% 720ml

    Bottling Date: 2023.04

    The mash that has been fermented at low temperature for a long time is squeezed and stored raw at ice temperature. It features a mellow aroma, a delicate and rich taste, and a smooth mouthfeel.

    Bottling Date: 2023.04

  • $888.00

    Katsuyama Junmai Daiginjo Diamond Akatsuki 16% 720ml

    Nothing was spared in drawing on the latest brewing philosophy, theory, and techniques in order to create the ultimate sake for today’s world. Each bottle contains only the essence of Japanese sake, extracted from the rich potential, depth, and beauty of rice to create a “liquid diamond.” Every technique and every effort went into this extravagant sake, which exhibits the perfect brightness, clarity, and hardness of a diamond. Great with seafoods and lightly flavored meals.

    Rice: Yamadanishiki

    Parker Point 95 Points is for the non diamond

  • $82.00

    Riedel Extreme Junmai (Set of 2’S) 4441/27

    The Extreme glasses derive their name from their extreme contours. The bowls are reminiscent of polished diamonds that spread out wide and taper off at the top. This allows the wine plenty of room to breathe, enhancing and emphasizing the pleasant softness and generally fruity notes of the New World wines.

    This sake glass is specifically designed for Japan’s national drink. In contrast to Daiginjo, Junmai boasts a much greater complexity and range, making it the perfect companion for food. At first glance, the shape of the new glass may cause some confusion, as it might well be taken for a cocktail glass owing to its wide rim. This is, however, necessary to evenly disperse the grain-inflected, woody and sherry-like aromas of rich matured Junmai sakes. These aromas would be overbearing in a close-mouthed glass. The diamond-shaped base, which was developed from Riedel’s Extreme series, controls the flow so that the liquid stays on the tongue, highlighting the sake’s velvety texture. Riedel recommends the Junmai glass for fuller and umami-dense types of Junmai, such as Kimoto and Yamahai, or rich matured brews displaying complex notes of caramel, dried fruit and mushroom. Aromatic types with lighter body and pure characteristics – such as Daiginjo, Ginjo, Junmai Daiginjo and Junmai Ginjo are best served in the Daiginjo glass.

  • $59.00

    Riedel Vinum Daiginjo 416/75

    The Vinum Daiginjo is perfect for highlighting the fruity and floral bouquet in Daiginjo sake. This glass debuted in 1999, following two years of workshops with dozens of sake brewers. This elegant egg-shaped vessel featured a convex rim to bring the sake’s sweetness, acidity and bitterness into balance.

    All RIEDEL glasses are dishwasher safe.

  • $72.00

    Shin Blended Whisky Select 40% 500ml

    SHIN Select Reserve Whisky is blended with 2 years finished whisky of exbourbon and ex-sherry, that are both previously aged in Japanese Shochu cask (American Oak) for 3 years. Orange amber color. Suitable for neat drinks or with ice. Alcohol: 40%

    Nose: Cereal barley malt, some caramelised sugar and light treacle, hints of vanilla custard and crème brulee, fruity apples and pears, toffee and caramel.

    Palate: Light and smooth initially, creamy caramelised sugar, caramel, fudge, toffee, vanilla, some spices begin to develop, a light wasabi heat and a little fennel give this a spiced kick.

    Finish: Medium, balanced between creamy vanilla toffee and drying spiced oak and hints of peat

  • $61.50

    Thomas Barton Reserve Sauternes 750ml

    The beautiful bouquet displays overtones of honey, tropical fruit, apricot, and orange marmalade. Intense, full-bodied, and simply irresistible on the palate, this wine is perfectly balanced and wonderfully fresh.

  • $150.00

    B&G Chateau Magnol Twin Pack 750ml (WB)

    “Vintage may vary.” Deep red with a ruby shade. Avery expressive nose full of red berry aromas ( strawberries, raspberries) as well as toasty and minty notes. Good concentration, with present but soft tannins and a long fruity and spicy finish.

  • $11.90

    Hakushika Chokarakuchi Junmai 300ml

    Chokara Junmai is a distinctly dry sake with a sharp
    and refreshing finish. With the full body typical in the
    finest junmai sake, Chokara junmai is a pleasant
    compliment to bolder flavors. Can enjoy in chilled, room
    temperature or warmed.

      Origin   兵庫
      Alcohol   14.5%
      Size   300ml
  • $68.00

    Masumi Miyasaka Aiyama Junmai Ginjo Genshu 16% 720ml

    Alcohol 15%
    Polishing 59%
    SMV -7.7
    Size 720ml

    From the historic Miyazaka Brewery in Suwa, Nagano, this limited edition Junmai Ginjo Aiyama is part of the MIYASAKA series, dedicated to exploring the potential of the renowned Yeast No. 7.
    Crafted using Aiyama rice from Hyogo Prefecture, polished to 59%, and brewed with the brewery’s own Yeast No. 7, this sake undergoes a single pasteurization process to achieve a refreshingly vibrant profile.
    Expect a light and aromatic experience with a rich and complex flavor profile that’s simply irresistible. Best enjoyed well-chilled, this sake promises to captivate your senses. Limited quantities are available, so be sure to get yours soon.

    The bouquet evokes ripe pear and apple with a gentle, sweet atmosphere, complemented by subtle floral nuances.

    A soft mouthfeel transitions into a lively, effervescent sensation on the palate. Juicy umami and dense fruity sweetness unfold, beautifully balanced by bright, pure acidity that adds definition to the flavor. Remarkably fresh and easy to drink, it finishes with a gentle sweet aftertaste that gracefully disappears.

  • $28.00

    [SG Official Product] Craft Gin Cocktail Grapefruit & Herb Liqueur 22% 300Ml (By Yomeishu)

    • Extremely high-quality cocktail based with craft gin, “Ka-no-Shizuku”, which has great scent of Lindera umbellata.
    • White and Red grapefruits juice and Yuzu juice make it slightly bitter taste.
    • To put Lindera umbellata, Rosemary, Citrus unshiu peel, and Lemon into original gin, we have succeeded rich aroma and taste.
    • You can enjoy it any style you want such as on the rock and with soda.
  • $139.00

    [SG Official Product] Craft Gin Kanomori 47% Spirit 700Ml (By Yomeishu)

    Used 19 varieties of botanicals with a focus on  Lindera umbellata which is a aromatic tree grown naturally in Japan. 

     ・ You can enjoy the scent of bracing trees, such as you were in the forest.

     ・ With long and rich finish by the combination of some botanicals

     ・ Used pure underground water polished by Japan Central Alps.

     ・ Dry Gin which is great as cocktail use such as Gin tonic.

  • $115.00

    Masumi Miyasaka Label Pasteurized 1.8L

    Cornerstone of the Miyasaka series. Showcases number seven’s gentle all-round flavor and clean acidity using Miyama Nishiki sake rice. Association No. 7 yeast is characterized by a mild flavor and fresh acid. It is a flagship product of the series.

      Origin   長野 NAGANO
      Alcohol   15%
      Polishing   55%
      SMV   +2
      Size   1800ml



  • $59.00

    Kirishima Kuro Ex Imo Shochu 25% 900ml

    Clear color. Savory, smoky aromas and flavors of baked sweet potato, preserved lime, black snake, alliums, and marinated mushrooms with a satiny, crisp, dry light-to-medium body and a graceful, complex, medium-length finish that exhibits overtones of roasted carrot, pickled ginger, and mint finish. A chewy, savory Shochu that will make a great dinner pairing; lots of nuance to explore.

      Origin   Miyazaki 宮崎
      Alcohol   25%
      Size   900ml
  • $28.75

    Tahuna Pinot Gris 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. The Tahuna Pinot Gris has classic aromatic peach flavours along with beautifully balanced acidity and a long finish. It is just off-dry and well suited to seafood, white meats and Asian food styles.

  • $28.75

    Tahuna Sauvignon Blanc 750Ml

    Fresh Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc. The Tahuna Sauvignon Blanc has ripe tropical and gooseberry fruit flavours with a zingy finish and impeccable balance. A great aperitif or seafood wine made for drinking young.


  • $29.95

    Tahuna Pinot Noir 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. It is dark coloured with generous cherry and dark fruit flavours.

  • $32.95

    Warburn Chardonnay Premium Reserve 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Medium straw gold.Distinct citrus characters, with underlying vanilla oak.Crisp citrus lime flavours are immediately evident, with hints of stone fruit balanced by vanillin oakcharacters. The buttery mouth feel emphasises the complexity of this wine.

  • $32.95

    Warburn Shiraz Premium Reserve 750Ml


    “Vintage may vary”. Medium red purple. The accent is on spices with focused fruit, dark berries and earthy aromas. The palate displays ripe blackberries and spice followed by savory overtones, all supported by a deft touch of oak from 12 months maturation. Soft tannins round off a precise and well-made Shiraz.

  • $32.95

    Warburn Cabernet Merlot Premium Reserve 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Medium crimson red.The bouquet offers a mix of berry, olive and warm earthy aromas.The palate is full, round and velvety, displaying cinnamon, spice and sweet red fruit with a touch of cedar.Balanced by soft, fine tannins, it evolves into a very pleasant, round finish.

  • $6.90

    B&G Cuvee Special Blanc 187ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Cherry red and brilliant, good intensity.Aromatic and pleasant with red fruit aromas (raspberry and blackberry).Medium bodied and well-balanced wine, with round tannins and fruity aromas at the end of the palate.

  • $6.90

    B&G Cuvee Speciale Rouge 187Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Pale straw and brilliant.Intense, with floral notes and white fruit aromas (quince, apple).Round and well balanced on the palate, with a nice fruity finish. Pleasant and easy drinking wine.

  • $28.45

    B&G Sauvignon Blanc Reserve 750ml with Gift Box

    “Vintage may vary”. Pale straw yellow with green highlights.Intense, fresh, developing strong citrus aromas and flattering blackcurrant buds notes.Crisp and refreshing aftertaste on the palate with strong grapefruit aromas.

  • $28.45

    B&G Merlot Reserve 750ml with Gift Box

    “Vintage may vary”. Brilliant garnet red colour.Fruit driven, the first nose develops wild strawberry aromas and redcurrant notes. On the second nose, delicate coffee and toasty aromas appear.Harmonious, fine and elegant, offering a round structure and a lot of mouth aromas (red berries).

  • $28.45

    B&G Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 750Ml


    “Vintage may vary”. Deep garnet red with purple highlights.Good intensity, mixing ripe black fruits and flattering minty and toasty notes when agitated.Round and smooth on the palate with velvety tannins and a supple texture. Long fruity aftertaste with notes of vanilla.

  • $75.00

    B&G Chateau Magnol 750Ml


    “Vintage may vary”. Deep red with a ruby shade.Avery expressive nose full of red berry aromas ( strawberries, raspberries) as well as toasty and minty notes.Good concentration, with present but soft tannins and a long fruity and spicy finish.

  • $51.40

    B&G Chablis 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Bright yellow with golden highlights.Flattering nose with peach and pear aromas. On the second nose, floral and mineral notes appear.Fresh and lively on the palate with a long and crisp fruity finish.

  • $37.90

    B&G Passeport St Emillon 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Garnet red of good intensity.Fine and delicate nose combining ripe red berries (redcurrant, wild strawberry) and peppery notes when agitated.Well balanced with soft tannins and a long fruity and spicy aftertaste.

  • $36.90

    B&G Medoc 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Deep purple colour.Intense and complex with peppery notes and morello cherries aromas. Elegant hints of vanilla and toasted bread appear when agitated.Harmonious, well balanced, with good tannins and a long fruity, spicy and toasty finish.

  • $50.80

    B&G Margaux 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Garnet red of good intensity. Delicate and fine nose of red berries mixed with nice vanilla and spicy overtones. Perfectly balanced with velvety tannins.

  • $23.50

    B&G Cuvee Speciale Blanc 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Pale straw and brilliant. Intense, with floral notes and white fruit aromas (quince, apple).Round and well balanced on the palate, with a nice fruity finish. Pleasant and easy drinking wine.

  • $23.50

    B&G Cuvee Special Rouge 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Cherry red and brilliant, good intensity. Aromatic and pleasant with red fruit aromas (raspberry and blackberry).Medium bodied and well-balanced wine, with round tannins and fruity aromas at the end of the palate.

  • $18.90

    Pearly Bay Celebration Rose 8% 750Ml


    “Vintage may vary.” This sparkling rose wine has delicious red berry and peach aromas and flavors, and a sweet soft finish.

  • $25.95

    Kwv Shiraz 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. This medium bodied wine has fresh raspberry and black cherry aromas, complemented by dark chocolate notes. Pepper, spice, lots of concentration, well integrated tannins. Soft and velvety and lingering aftertaste with soft smokey oak nuances.


  • $24.85

    Kwv Chenin Blanc 750ml

    “Vintage may vary”. This wine is a great example of modern-styled, South African Chenin blanc, which shows true elegance. This wine displays upfront guava, pear and pineapple aromas with hints of honey and green apple on the nose. The palate is vibrant and fresh with a linear acidity and a lingering finish.

  • $29.50

    Kwv Roodeberg 750ml


    “Vintage may vary”. A medium-bodied red wine, with upfront red berry aromas complemented by subtle smoky and spice flavours. The fruity palate is well balanced, soft and juicy with well integrated, smooth tannins.

  • $25.95

    Kwv Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    “Vintage may vary”. his elegant and refreshing Sauvignon Blanc shows aromas of citrus, delicate floral, herbs and ripe stone fruit. The easy drinking palate is soft, fleshy and juicy with hints of limes and a chalky minerality with a balanced and seamless finish.

  • $25.95

    Kwv Pinotage 750ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Red berry, mulberry and blue berry characters are the primary notes to emanate from this rich and flavourful Pinotage. There are subtle nuances of wood spices and dried herb aromas too. The palate is seductively soft and juicy, with silky tannins and a long, gentle finish.

  • $25.95

    Kwv Merlot 750ml

    “Vintage may vary”. This Merlot exudes aromas of blueberry and upfront red cherries and berries. The wineis soft and elegant, with subtle fruit sweetness on the palate and a velvety tannin structure,yet remains juicy with a refreshing and lingering finish.

  • $25.95

    Kwv Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    “Vintage may vary”. This lively Cabernet Sauvignon emits rich aromas of dark berries, Christmas cake and cassis intermingled with whiffs of cedary oak and dried herbs. The palate showcases lovely red fruit and spice flavours, full of juiciness and a good structure.


  • $298.00

    Combo – Package 4

    Receive 1 Premium Sake and 1 Premium Plus Sake each month for a 3 month package, specially chosen by our sake experts and delivered straight to your door. Total of 2 bottles each month.

    Delivery every third week of the month. 

    First box will be delivered by next month third week.


  • $148.00

    Premium – Package 1

    Receive 1 Premium Sake each (Junmai, Tokubetsu Junmai, Honjozo and Tokubetsu Honjozo) month for a 3 month package, specially chosen by our sake experts and delivered straight to your door.

    Delivery every third week of the month. 

    First box will be delivered by next month third week.

  • $268.00

    Super Premium – Package 3

    Receive 1 Super Premium Sake (Junmai Daiginjo or Daiginjo) each month for a 3 month package, specially chosen by our sake experts and delivered straight to your door.

    Delivery every third week of the month. 

    First box will be delivered by next month third week.

  • $168.00

    Premium Plus – Package 2

    Receive 1 Premium Plus Sake (Junmai Ginjo and Ginjo) each month for a 3 month package, specially chosen by our sake experts and delivered straight to your door.

    Delivery every third week of the month. 

    First box will be delivered by next month third week.

  • $388.00

    Kokuryu Ryu Daiginjo 15% 1800ml

    Assertive yet gentle, delicate yet robust. Well balanced flavor of rice and acidity.

      Origin   福井 FUKUI
      Alcohol   15%
      Polishing   40%
      SMV   +4
      Size   1800ml

  • $83.50

    [SG Official Product] Yomeishu Health Tonic- 700Ml Twin Pack Herbal Liqueur

    MAHS 0400324.Yomeishu is a herbal liqueur which acts on the weakened the self-regulating function of the body to regulate general conditions and leads to good health.

  • $167.00

    Maoh Imo Shochu 25% 720ml

    Maoh means Devil in Japanese. It is refreshing and clear, easy to drink with a very fruity tase and slightly sweet flavor unlike tipical Imo shochu. It’s recomended for ladies due to lesser storong Imo taste and contribute a lot to change the perception that Imo shochu is smelly.


      Origin   Kagoshima 鹿児島
      Alcohol   25%
      Size   720ml

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