
  • $26.75

    Gossips Merlot 750ml

    Origin Australia
    Alcohol 13%

    Summer started with cool mornings and nights, with slow ripening producing excellent fruit with no diseases. Grapes are specially selected from small parcels of vines in South Eastern Australia. The vines are carefully cultivated to our specifications, with low yields producing intensely-flavoured grapes of outstanding quality.

    Tasting Notes: Red berry fruits & spice. A rich, ripe & juicy palate of raspberry & plum fruit. Contains a smooth, warm finish.

    Food Pairing: An ideal accompaniment to antipasto platters and red meat dishes.

  • $26.75

    Gossips Semillon Chardonnay 750ml

    Origin Australia
    Alcohol 11.5%

    Gossips Semillon Chardonnay is dry white wine for those who like the simple things in life. Packed to the brim with tropical aromas and flavours with a definite Melon accent, this the ideal white to enjoy on the patio with a shared seafood platter and great friends.

  • $26.75

    Gossips Semillon Sauvignon 750ml

    Origin Australia
    Alcohol 11%

    Gossips Semillon Sauvignon Blanc continues to be one of the best value whites in Dan Murphy’s. Semillon provides body and texture while Sauvignon Blanc adds fresh, lively characters in this popular blend.

  • $26.75

    Gossips Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Origin Australia
    Alcohol 11%

    Gossips Sauvignon Blanc has a complexity of fruit flavours that is often difficult to find in a wine of this price. You’ll certainly enjoy sharing a Gossip with your friends!

  • $78.00

    Ohmine 3 Grain Muroka Nama Genshu Dewasansan 15% 720Ml

    A juicy taste with a sweet and sour taste like grapefruit, plus a freshness that is unique to unpasteurized sake. Add freshness to the fragrant taste! Enjoy the freshness of fresh sake with seasonal ingredients.
    Rice: Dewasansan

  • $22.60$31.50

    [SG Official Product] Umenoyado Aka Pon 8% 500Ml

    Origin Nara
    Alcohol 8%
    Size 500ml

    This drink offers a bold, rich grape flavor complemented by hints of oak and the subtle astringency of red wine, making it an excellent choice to pair with your meals.

    It contains no added sugars, acidulants, or flavorings.

    Crafted by a brewery with over 130 years of tradition, this authentic fruit liqueur can be enjoyed neat or in a range of creative ways.

  • $26.95$53.90


    The Nekosake Tasting Set contains two types of Nekosake sake, a Hokkaido-produced, super light-tasting meltwater sake brand, all in a compact, cat-box set that can be given as a gift. The Nekosake

    • Premium and Nekosake Junmai sakes in the set are 180ml one-cup style. The bottles are printed so they can be reused. Nekosake sake is brewed using meltwater from Mount Daisetsu, the highest mountain in Hokkaido. Chill it until it’s half frozen before drinking!
    • Ingredients: “Nekozake Premium” (alcohol content 13.8%): water (Hokkaido), rice (Hokkaido), rice malt (Hokkaido), brewed alcohol “Nekosake Junmai” (alcohol content 12%): water (Hokkaido), rice (Hokkaido), rice malt (Hokkaido)
    • Origin: Asahikawa, Hokkaido
    • Contents: 2 x 180ml sake bottles,
    • Best before date: None
    • No additives, no coloring, no sugar added, gluten free, no preservatives, no GMOs, no antioxidants, vegan,
    • date of manufacture printed on lid, no expiration date Store away from light. If you put it in the refrigerator immediately, it will mature slowly, so it will be delicious to drink for 1 to 2 years. It is recommended to cool it in the freezer just before drinking.
  • $19.00$38.00


    Bottling Date: 2024.01

    This is a Hokkaido-exclusive “Neko Sake Sapporo Souvenir Pouch” from Neko Sake, a Hokkaido-produced super light-tasting meltwater sake brand.

    • Contents: 1 bottle of “Neko Sake Premium” 180ml, 1 Neko Sake cup *The above items are packed in a canvas Neko Sake pouch for an easy sake gift
    • Ingredients: Water (Hokkaido), rice (Hokkaido), rice koji (Hokkaido), brewed alcohol

    Bottling Date: 2024.01

  • $45.00$60.00

    Kano Shuzo Jokigen Daiginjyo Kagayuzen 15% 720Ml(Gb)

    Origin 石川 ISHIKAWA
    Alcohol 17%
    Polishing 50%
    SMV '+4
    Size 720ML

    This sake with elegant aroma and sweetness like fruit, the Daiginjo has a gorgeous impression, and it is a special sake in a bottle reminiscent of ancient capital Kanazawa.

  • $113.50$158.00

    Ohmine 2Grain Pasteurized Dewasansan 14.5% 720Ml(Gb)

    Origin 山口 YAMAGUCHI
    Alcohol 14.5%
    Polishing 35%
    SMV *
    Size 720ML

    In the sweet and sour taste of grapefruit, it is characterized by the plump and fragrant umami unique to Dewa Sansan and the dry aftertaste reminiscent of apple peel. In addition, artwork by Kosuke Kawamura is used for the symbol logo of the package.
    Rice: Dewasansan
    Water: Benten Spring Water

  • $68.00

    Kitaya Junmai Daiginjo Kansansui 45% 720ml

    It is dedicated, elegant sake with a fruity aroma. It is truly a masterpiece.

      Origin   福岡 Fukuoka
      Alcohol   14%
      Polishing   45%
      SMV   +2
      Size   720ml


  • $594.00$1,188.00

    Niizawa Junmai Daiginjo 2021 720ml

    Bottling Date: 2021

    Origin Miyagi
    Alcohol 16%
    Polishing 7%
    SMV ±0
    Size 720ml

    We launched this premium sake collection in 2015 in collaboration with contemporary artists.
    Since its inception we have been honored to work with different Japanese contemporary artists each year.
    When rice is highly polished, it becomes extremely difficult to cultivate koji, which makes it difficult to extract the umami derived from koji, but with NIIZAWA, we have succeeded in extracting 2 times the umami than Zankyo Super 7 which also has a 7% rice polishing ratio.
    One can experience the sweetness of the rice directly as it lingers on one’s palate so it can be thoroughly enjoyed.
    It will age beautifully when stored in a refrigerator.
    This sake is the penultimate of the 7% polished rice series, which began with the goal of “producing the best polished rice in the world”. It is limited to 1,000 bottles per year.
    Each year we collaborate with a different artist, therefore the label differs each year.

    【GOLD】Singapore Sake Challenge 2023,“NIIZAWA 2021”
    【GOLD】Singapore Sake Challenge 2023,“NIIZAWA 2022”
    【GOLD】U.S. National Sake Appraisal
    【GOLD】Kura Master 2023 Old Sake Category
    【SILVER】 International Wine Challenge 2022 Junmai Daiginjo Category
    【TROPHY AWARD】International SAKE Challenge 2021 Premium Category
    【PLATINUM】Milan SAKE Challenge 2019 Junmai Daiginjo Category

    Bottling Date: 2021

  • $168.00$208.00

    Hakurakusei Junmai Daiginjo Hikari 720ml

    Origin Miyagi
    Alcohol 15%
    Polishing 15%
    SMV +1
    Size 720ml

    The pinnacle of the Hakurakusei series, Hikari, expresses the quintessence of the “ultimate food sake”.
    The pleasant banana-like aroma spreads softly throughout one’s palate, only to quickly shift to an elegant acidity and pleasant umami.
    The refined aftertaste melts into one’s mouth and fades away quietly.
    The exclusive, high-class Yaki-Kiri box also makes it an ideal gift.

    【SILVER】Singapore Sake Challenge 2023
    【GOLD】Australian Sake Awards 2023 Junmai Daiginjo Category
    【GOLD】International Wine Challenge 2022 Junmai Daiginjo Category

    Beautiful acidity and gentle sweetness


    [Optimal Pairings]
    Seafood, oysters, shirako, Japanese (flat leaf) parsley hot pot

  • $45.00

    [SG Official Product] The Choya Black 720ml

    “The CHOYA” is a masterpiece created with our long history of ume liqueur making experience and data accumulation by CHOYA. It is made with 100% Japan grown Nanko ume fruit and is fully absorbed by nature’s bounty. “The CHOYA” is produced with much time and effort without adding artificial additives such as acidulants and artificial flavors, to bring out the maximum taste of ume.

    Volume: 720ml

    Alcohol: 14% alc./vol.

    Ingredients: Japanese Nanko ume, sugar, cane spirit, brandy

    Blend of umeshu aged for more than 1 year and French brandy
    100% Japanese Nanko ume from Kishu area
    Mellow taste of umeshu with French brandy
    No artificial additives
    Tasting Notes

    This full-bodied umeshu has rich aroma of French brandy and pleasantly sweet & tart taste of ume. To be enjoy mixed with soda water or in cocktails or on-the-rocks.

  • $88.00$118.00

    Tosatsuru Junmai Daiginjo Genshu Gold 17% 720ml GB

    Boasting the highest gold award at the National New Sake Fair Tosatsuru Sake Brewery in Kochi produces. This is a special limited edition sake from Junmai Daiginjo. With the old-fashioned manufacturing method, take time and use “Shizuku” method slowly drips from the liquor tank. The rich ginjo incense has an overwhelming fragrance. Does not make you feel the alcohol content of 17 degrees. Excellent sharpness and umami. It is a perfect expression of Tosa’s sake-like “light and dry”. It is a famous sake that represents the brewery along with THE Tosatsuru.

    Rice: Yamadanishiki

      Origin   Kochi
      Alcohol   17%
      Polishing   30%
      SMV   +4
      Size   720ml
  • $45.00$60.00

    Nanbu Shuzo (R)sparkling Junmai Nigori Namagenshu Shushushu 16% 720ml

    It appeared this season too!

    It is NAMAZAKE JUNAI NIGORI ZAKE from the popular product.

    Since the yeast is alive, you can enjoy the fine bubbles of carbon dioxide 

    generated by the secondary fermentation in the bottle.

    The slightly sweet MOROMI’s UMAMI and the refreshingness of popping are a new taste that 

    has never been seen before in HANAGAKI.

      Origin   FUKUI
      Alcohol   15%
      Polishing   59%
      SMV   +4
      Size   720ml
  • $88.00$123.00

    Kikusui Junmai Daiginjo Sakamai Genshu 17% 720ml

    This genshu, or undiluted sake, is extremely rare. It makes the ideal gift for a special person in your life.

    A Junmai Daiginjo Genshu sake whose deep, sophisticated aromas and mellow rice flavors will waft pleasantly throughout your palate. Enjoy hints of fresh cut apples and the mature, mellow flavor that only genshu can offer.

      Origin   Niigata
      Alcohol   17%
      Polishing   40%
      SMV   *
      Size   720ml
  • $33.00$39.00

    Hasegawa Echigo Sekkobai Futsushu 15% 720ml

    Lot of Sake rice’s UMAMI.  Enjoy chilled and Warm Sake.  Recommended as Daily Sake.

    Recommended to pair with boiled fish, mizutaki.

    Rice: Gohyakumangoku

    Yeast: M-310

      Origin   Niigata
      Alcohol   15%
      Polishing   65%
      SMV   +6
      Size   720ml
  • $75.00

    Bottega Colors Vodka Bio Alexander 38% 700ml

    Color and Appearance: colorless, clear and crystalline. 

    Bouquet: it has a clean intense nose characterized by a typical grain note and subtle balsamic accents. 

    Taste: soft, round and full bodied, it is balanced on the palate with an aftertaste which fuses a flash of freshness with the personality of the grain used in its making.

  • $39.00$49.00

    Hatsumomidi Tokubetsu Junmaishu (60) Saitonoshizuku 720ml

    A refreshing, dry special pure rice sake using Yamaguchi’s original sake rice “Saito no Shizuku”. It features a refreshing taste and can be enjoyed with cold or hot sake.

    Rice: Saito no Shizuku

      Origin   山口 Yamaguchi
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   60%
      SMV   *
      Size   720ml


  • $26.00$52.00

    Hatsumomidi Junmaishu (80) Yamadanishiki 720ml

    Bottling Date: 2022.01

    Pure rice sake that is light and sharp without any unpleasant taste, which does not seem to be 80% polished rice. You can fully enjoy the taste of rice, and it is also recommended for lukewarm and hot sake.

    Rice: Yamaguchi Yamadanishiki

      Origin   山口 Yamaguchi
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   80%
      SMV   *
      Size   720ml


    Bottling Date: 2022.01

  • $52.00$68.00

    Hatsumomidi Junmai Daiginjo (50) Muroka Namagenshu Yamdanishiki 720ml

    Elegant and pleasant ginjo incense, delicate and gentle mouthfeel. A refreshing taste with no unpleasant taste that allows you to fully enjoy the taste of rice in a fruity taste. A refreshing Junmai Daiginjo with a refreshing taste that emphasizes the taste of the dish. You can enjoy the rich richness unique to unfiltered raw sake.

    Rice: Yamaguchi Yamadanishiki

      Origin   山口 Yamaguchi
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   50%
      SMV   *
      Size   720ml
  • $86.00$108.00

    Kitaya Junmai Daiginjo Sansan 16% 720ML (GB)

    This sake is made from Yamada-Nishiki brewing rice which is harvested in the Itoshima area of Fukuoka Pref. The milling percentage of the sake is 2% less than Daiginjyo Gokujyo Kitaya, which was awarded champion’s sake at IWC 2013.100% of the sake brewers master’s skill is put into this nihonshu. Please enjoy the gorgeous, fruity, aromatic and rich taste.Rice: Yamadanishiki. Origin: 福岡 Fukuoka | Alcohol: 16% | Polishing: 33% | SMV: ±0 | Size: 720ml

  • $38.00$46.00

    Kitagawa Tomio Junmai Ginjo Yamadanishiki (58) 16% 720ML

    This Junmai Ginjo sake is used only yamadanishiki sake rice, slightly dry taste with mild acidity match the meal. The heat treatment (sterilization process) has been only once before the bottling. Please enjoy the fresh flavor of this limited sake.

  • $68.00

    Masumi Miyasaka Aiyama Junmai Ginjo Genshu 16% 720ml

    Alcohol 15%
    Polishing 59%
    SMV -7.7
    Size 720ml

    From the historic Miyazaka Brewery in Suwa, Nagano, this limited edition Junmai Ginjo Aiyama is part of the MIYASAKA series, dedicated to exploring the potential of the renowned Yeast No. 7.
    Crafted using Aiyama rice from Hyogo Prefecture, polished to 59%, and brewed with the brewery’s own Yeast No. 7, this sake undergoes a single pasteurization process to achieve a refreshingly vibrant profile.
    Expect a light and aromatic experience with a rich and complex flavor profile that’s simply irresistible. Best enjoyed well-chilled, this sake promises to captivate your senses. Limited quantities are available, so be sure to get yours soon.

    The bouquet evokes ripe pear and apple with a gentle, sweet atmosphere, complemented by subtle floral nuances.

    A soft mouthfeel transitions into a lively, effervescent sensation on the palate. Juicy umami and dense fruity sweetness unfold, beautifully balanced by bright, pure acidity that adds definition to the flavor. Remarkably fresh and easy to drink, it finishes with a gentle sweet aftertaste that gracefully disappears.

  • $55.00

    Hokushika Daiginjo Snow Storage 16% 720ml

    A storage method for aging sake by filling a tank in the snow. By using snow, a stable environment of 0 ° C that is not affected by the outside temperature becomes an ideal environment that is free from stress for liquor, this storage in the snow on the shores of Lake Towada, which is rich in nature. The taste is moderately rounded while leaving freshness and finished in a crisp and mellow taste. 
    Rice: Yamadanishiki

      Origin   秋田 Akita
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   50%
      SMV   +3
      Size   720ml
  • $88.00

    Kamoshibito Kuheiji Junmai Daiginjo Kanochi 16% 720ml

    This sake invites you to focus on the balance of acids and residual sugars. One notch less polished, rice so much to express itself more in a suavity specific to Yamada.
    It will nevertheless be necessary to wait a minimum of a year for the sugars to concentrate and release the potential of this sake. From then on and for at least five years at each tasting, the mouth will evolve, sometimes declining on pear and melon from the Andes, more and more ripe.
    With white fish or crab meat, the fusion is complete.. 

      Origin   Aichi  愛知
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   40%
      SMV   非公開
      Size   720ml


  • $42.00$52.00

    Yoshikubo Junmai Ginjo Ginnosato Ippin 720ml

    This sake is used ginnosato sake rice form Ibaraki prefecture which related with yamadanishiki rice. Fresh and quality sake flavor. Extend light fragrance in the mouth. Please enjoy the aroma of ginjo.

      Origin   Fukui 福井
      Alcohol   15%
      Polishing   50%
      SMV   +4
      Size   720ml


  • $38.00$45.00

    Hanagaki Junmaishu Super Dry 720ml

    +12 of sake meter value is very hard to make without adding brewer’s alcohol, but this sake doesn’t added brewer’s alcohol. The taste is light and smooth taste with rich rice flavor.
    Suggest pairing with chilled tofu or sashimi.

      Origin   Fukui 福井
      Alcohol   15%
      Polishing   60%
      SMV   +12
      Size   720ml

  • $78.00$108.00

    Kitaya Junmai Daiginjo Shizuko 15% 720ml

    Using high quality “Yamada-Nishiki” rice in Fukuoka and polished down to 39%. “Shizukushibori” is a drip process without external pressure by hanging the mash in bags and allowing the liquid to drip out under its own weight. The characteristic of this sake is rich taste with a gentle fragrance of fruits.

      Origin   福岡 Fukuoka
      Alcohol   15.5%
      Polishing   39%
      SMV   ±0
      Size   720ml


  • $46.00$54.00

    Tosatsuru Junmai Ginjo Karakuchi 15% 720ml

    The dry and rich flavor can be enjoyed with Japanese fresh seafood sushi or sashimi, also suited to robst flavor dishes.

      Origin   高知 Kochi
      Alcohol   15%
      Polishing   50%
      SMV   +6
      Size   720ml
  • $50.00

    Kitaya Junmai Ginjo Kansansui 14% 720ml

    It has delicious flavor that fills the palate and a mellow and natural taste.

      Origin   福岡 Fukuoka
      Alcohol   14%
      Polishing   55%
      SMV   +1
      Size   720ml


  • $49.00$62.00

    Hakkaisan Junmai Ginjo(55) 15.5% 720ml

    This smooth and mild-tasting sake is as clean and crisp as a cold, clear day in winter. The taste evokes the gentle flavor of the delicious rice.

      Origin   新潟 Niigata
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   55%
      SMV   +4
      Size   720ml
  • $188.00$213.00

    Kamoshibito Kuheiji” Junmai Daiginjo Tasting Set

    Origin 愛知 AICHI
    Alcohol 16%
    Polishing 50%
    Size 720ml


    Kuehiji’s signature junmai daiginjo.
    An elegant, harmonious sake made with brewing techniques
    designed to impart flavors faithful to the ingredient rice,
    Eau du Desir is created with the palates of sake drinkers
    veteran and novice alike. Made with Yamadanishiki, this brew features the deep and profound flavors indicative of these varietals. These grains are also well suited for long-term aging, while gifting the sake brewed from them a velvety and pleasant mouthfeel.
    Good to go with foie gras terrine, hard cheese, white meat.


    Using 100% Yamada Nishiki. Kuroda is the name of the town where we are making rice. The numbers inscribed on the label indicate the latitude and longitude of the rice field that cultivated rice. Fruity sake of mainly grapefruit and lychee. Especially the citrus scent is the strongest even among their range of sake. 


    Fruity aroma of citrus and good impact of the powerful taste strongly emerges from the characteristics of sake rice, Omachi. Powerful minerals and astringent taste with crisp acid. 



  • $660.00$804.00

    Kamoshibito Kuheiji” Yamadanishiki Eau Du Desir 2022 720ml BUNDLE X 12

    Origin 愛知 AICHI
    Alcohol 16%
    Polishing 50%
    Size 720ml

    Kuehiji’s signature junmai daiginjo.
    An elegant, harmonious sake made with brewing techniques
    designed to impart flavors faithful to the ingredient rice,
    Eau du Desir is created with the palates of sake drinkers
    veteran and novice alike. Made with Yamadanishiki, this brew features the deep and profound flavors indicative of these varietals. These grains are also well suited for long-term aging, while gifting the sake brewed from them a velvety and pleasant mouthfeel.
    Good to go with foie gras terrine, hard cheese, white meat.

  • $354.00$402.00

    Kamoshibito Kuheiji” Yamadanishiki Eau Du Desir 2022 720ml BUNDLE X 6

    Origin 愛知 AICHI
    Alcohol 16%
    Polishing 50%
    Size 720ml

    Kuehiji’s signature junmai daiginjo.
    An elegant, harmonious sake made with brewing techniques
    designed to impart flavors faithful to the ingredient rice,
    Eau du Desir is created with the palates of sake drinkers
    veteran and novice alike. Made with Yamadanishiki, this brew features the deep and profound flavors indicative of these varietals. These grains are also well suited for long-term aging, while gifting the sake brewed from them a velvety and pleasant mouthfeel.
    Good to go with foie gras terrine, hard cheese, white meat.

  • $370.00$405.00

    Kamoshibito Kuheiji Junmai Daiginjo Yamadanishiki 16% 1.8L BUNDLE X 3

    “EAU DU DESIR” means “hope of water”.
    Lush aroma of grapefruit and green plant feeling. 
    Gently mouth filled with honey sweetness followed by soft acidity and a hint of minerality with a good structure. 

      Origin   愛知 Aichi
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   50%
      SMV   ±0
      Size   1800ml
  • $700.00$810.00

    Kamoshibito Kuheiji Junmai Daiginjo Yamadanishiki 16% 1.8L BUNDLE X 6

    “EAU DU DESIR” means “hope of water”.
    Lush aroma of grapefruit and green plant feeling. 
    Gently mouth filled with honey sweetness followed by soft acidity and a hint of minerality with a good structure. 

      Origin   愛知 Aichi
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   50%
      SMV   ±0
      Size   1800ml
  • $354.00$402.00

    Kamoshibito Kuheiji Junmai Daiginjo Omachi 16% 720ml BUNDLE X 6

    Fruity aroma of citrus and good impact of the powerful taste strongly emerges from the characteristics of sake rice, Omachi. Powerful minerals and astringent taste with crisp acid. 


      Origin   愛知 Aichi
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   50%
      SMV   ±0
      Size   720ml
  • $660.00$804.00

    Kamoshibito Kuheiji Junmai Daiginjo Omachi 16% 720ml BUNDLE X 12

    Fruity aroma of citrus and good impact of the powerful taste strongly emerges from the characteristics of sake rice, Omachi. Powerful minerals and astringent taste with crisp acid. 


      Origin   愛知 Aichi
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   50%
      SMV   ±0
      Size   720ml
  • $700.00$810.00

    Kamoshibito Kuheiji Junmai Daiginjo Omachi 16% 1.8L Bundle X6

    Fruity aroma of citrus and good impact of the powerful taste strongly emerges from the characteristics of sake rice, Omachi. Powerful minerals and astringent taste with crisp acid. 


      Origin   愛知 Aichi
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   50%
      SMV   ±0
      Size   720ml

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