
  • $28.45

    B&G Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 750Ml


    “Vintage may vary”. Deep garnet red with purple highlights.Good intensity, mixing ripe black fruits and flattering minty and toasty notes when agitated.Round and smooth on the palate with velvety tannins and a supple texture. Long fruity aftertaste with notes of vanilla.

  • $28.45

    B&G Merlot Reserve 750ml with Gift Box

    “Vintage may vary”. Brilliant garnet red colour.Fruit driven, the first nose develops wild strawberry aromas and redcurrant notes. On the second nose, delicate coffee and toasty aromas appear.Harmonious, fine and elegant, offering a round structure and a lot of mouth aromas (red berries).

  • $28.45

    B&G Chardonnay Reserve 750ml with Gift Box

     “Vintage may vary”. Straw gold yellow.Fine and elegant mixing white fruit aromas (pear, quince) with vanilla and taosty notes when agitated.Fruit driven, The attack is fresh, followed by a round and supple feeling on the middle palate. Flattering oaky notes appear on the aftertaste.

  • $28.45

    B&G Sauvignon Blanc Reserve 750ml with Gift Box

    “Vintage may vary”. Pale straw yellow with green highlights.Intense, fresh, developing strong citrus aromas and flattering blackcurrant buds notes.Crisp and refreshing aftertaste on the palate with strong grapefruit aromas.

  • $28.45

    B&G Reserve Viognier 750ML

    Light golden yellow.

    Very expressive nose with white flowers aromas (honeysuckle) and fruity

    notes (apricot, peach, pear, tropical fruits).

    Harmonious and round palate with a fruity and floral finish.

    Aperitif, white meat, fish and Asian dishes.

    Best served between 10°C and 12°C / 50°F and 54°F.

  • $28.75

    Tahuna Sauvignon Blanc 750Ml

    Fresh Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc. The Tahuna Sauvignon Blanc has ripe tropical and gooseberry fruit flavours with a zingy finish and impeccable balance. A great aperitif or seafood wine made for drinking young.


  • $28.75

    Tahuna Pinot Gris 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. The Tahuna Pinot Gris has classic aromatic peach flavours along with beautifully balanced acidity and a long finish. It is just off-dry and well suited to seafood, white meats and Asian food styles.

  • $28.80

    Miyata Sesame Pumpkin Nori Snack 7.8G x 24

    Aperance with Dark green flakes wrapped in sesame seeds. Taste: With the unique taste of grilled seaweed and sesame. Eat directly after opening the bag

  • $28.80

    Miyata Sesame Original Nori Snack 7.8G x 24

    Aperance with Dark green flakes wrapped in sesame seeds. Taste with the unique taste of grilled seaweed and sesame. Eat directly after opening the bag

  • $28.80

    Miyata Sesame Almond Nori Snack 7.8G x 24

    Aperance with Dark green flakes wrapped in sesame seeds and almond small particles. Taste with the unique taste of grilled seaweed, sesame and almond. Eat directly after opening the bag

  • $29.00$43.55

    [SG Official Product] Umenoyado Aragoshi Yuzu Shu 8% 720ml

    Refreshingly light, bright citrus flavors combined with soft texture and a hint of sweetness.

      Origin   Nara 奈良
      Alcohol   8%
      Polishing   –
      SMV   –
      Size   720ml
  • $29.00

    Bottega Spumante Venezia 11% 750ml

    Color and Appearance:Straw yellow with golden tinges; fine and persistent perlage.

    Bouquet: Delicate fruity (apple and peach) and floral (hawthorn, acacia and wisteria) aromas with a pleasant almond notes in the finish.

    Taste: Delicate and fresh wine, with a clear and balanced taste; round and smooth on the palate.

  • $29.00

    Bottega Petalo Amore Moscato Spumante 6.5% 750ml

    Color and Appearance: Straw yellow with fine and lasting perlage. Bouquet: Complex, intense, delicate, with floral (rose, wisteria and wildflowers) and fruity (yellow peach, apricot and citrus) notes and a pleasant hint of sage in the finish.

    Taste: Velvety, pleasantly sweet, intense and persistent with a good acidity that enriches its freshness and balances the high sugar content.

  • $29.50

    Kwv Roodeberg 750ml


    “Vintage may vary”. A medium-bodied red wine, with upfront red berry aromas complemented by subtle smoky and spice flavours. The fruity palate is well balanced, soft and juicy with well integrated, smooth tannins.

  • $29.50

    B&G Sparkling Extra Dry 750ML

    Yellow with green reflections with a fine foam.

    Very aromatic nose of white and yellow fruits with hints of peach.

    Well balanced on the fruit, with a long and fresh aftertaste. Easy to drink fresh and pleasant.

  • $29.90$48.00

    Half Moon Ginger 20% 720ml

    Finished in a draw after stimulation and zesty ginger soju is delicious. Carbon dioxide often crispy and fresh, in hot water relief and body warm, enjoy in your favorite drinking according to the season. Natural raw materials used for the impure.

      Alcohol   20%
      Size   720ml
  • $29.90

    [SG Official Product] CHOYA SARARI LOW CARBO PACK 1000ML

    Law alcohol Umeshu with reduced sugar and calories.

    It uses only high-quality Ume fruit which from Kishu area,
    Wakayama, Japan.

    40% off sugar, 30% off calories.

    Recommended for those who are concerned about sugar and
    calories but want to enjoy plum wine.

  • $29.90

    Sweet Lips Pineapple Coconut & Mexican Lime 750ml

    Start the evening with this refreshing, lightly spritzed aperitif, well chilled. The all natural flavours resemble a fresh slightly acid sweet pineapple meshing with a rich smooth and creamy coconut background flavour. Mexican lime juice is used to lift and freshen the flavour, as well as adding subtle complexity. This moderately sweet wine is lower in alcohol, perfectly balanced with a moscato base. 

    Alcohol: 8%

  • $29.90

    Sweet Lips Peach Raspberry & Vanilla 750ml

    Inspired by the ‘Peach Melba’ dessert- Start the afternoon with this refreshing, lightly spritzed wine, well chilled. This moderately sweet aperitif is lower in alcohol with a perfectly balanced moscato base. These all natural flavours resemble a seamless blend of ripe yellow peach foreground combining with a rich ripe and sweet raspberry flavour. Background citrus notes lift and freshen the flavour and help to unify the composition.

    Alcohol: 8%

  • $29.90

    Sweet Lips Hibiscus Pomegranate & Lime 8% 750ml

    All natural flavours- this moderately sweet aperitif is lower in alcohol and has aromas of hibiscus and pomegranate notes, finishing with lime hints. Start the afternoon with this refreshing, lightly spritzed wine, well chilled. For extra refreshment, enjoy over ice or as apart of a cocktail mix. 

    Alcohol: 8%

  • $29.90

    Sweet Lips Mango Elderflower & Passionfruit 750ml

    All natural flavours- perfectly balanced with a moscato base. Enjoy this easy drinking, refreshing and lightly spritzed wine well chilled. This moderately
    sweet wine is lower in alcohol and has aromas of mango and elderflower notes, finishing with passionfruit hints. For extra refreshment, enjoy over ice or as apart of a cocktail mix. 

    Alcohol: 8%

  • $29.90

    Sake Meguri 2024 T-Shirt

    In 2024, Sake Meguri, organized by SAKE.SG, brought together 18 breweries from Japan at the Singapore Expo. Over 700 participants explored more than 200 varieties of sake, shochu, umeshu, beer, and more! The Kitsune fox, the spiritual symbol of Sake Meguri, guides us through this journey.

    Breathable microfiber T-shirt | Available in Black only

  • $29.95

    [SG Official Product] Choya Jyuku Rich Umeshu 10% 720ml

    Made from Japanese Ume Fruit and added with distilled Alcohol and brandy. Beautifully balanced sweet, ripeness and elegant taste with rich flavor. Calories 20% Off.

      Origin   Osaka 大阪
      Alcohol   10%
      Size   720ml


    CHOYA Functional Non-Alcoholic Ume Soda350ml Tasting Notes: Take away from your fatigue by sports This Functional drink is certified by Japanese government. Refreshing soda taste with natural ingredients

  • $29.95

    Tahuna Pinot Noir 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. It is dark coloured with generous cherry and dark fruit flavours.

  • $30.05

    Saint Louis Brut 750ML

    Nice white-gold colour. Fine and persistent foam.

    Fruity, delicate, with aromas of peach, apple and pear. When agitated flattering notes of acacia appear.

    Fresh and lively attack, round on the middle palate. The aftertaste is long with fruity and floral notes.

  • $30.50

    [SG Official Product] Choya Sarari Yuzu 7% 1000ml

    Fruit liqueur made with yuzu fruit. Light and fresh. Tart taste and a special citrus aroma of yuzu. Lime juice is added for a clean finish.No added flavors, coloring agents, nor preservatives.

      Origin   Osaka 大阪
      Alcohol   7%
      Size   1000ml
  • $30.50

    [SG Official Product] CHOYA Sarari Yuzu Smooth and Fruity 500ml 7.5%

    Alcohol 7.5%
    Size 500ml

    Tasting Notes

    Fruit liqueur made with yuzu fruit. Fresh and fruity. Tart taste and special citrus aroma of yuzu. Lime juice is added for a clean finish. 

  • $30.50

    [SG Official Product] CHOYA Sarari Extra Smooth and Light 10% 500ml

    Alcohol 10%
    Size 500ml

    Tasting Notes

    Fruit liqueur made only from Japanese ume. Light and fresh. To be enjoy daily chilled & straight, on-the-rocks.

  • $32.00

    Hepalyse® W Pastille (Box of 10)

    Hepalyse® W Pastille Type is an anti-hangover tablet contains 100mg of liver extract, 30mg of curcumin and piperin (black pepper extract) for the absorption of curcumin. It helps in liver protection, support detoxification, improve metabolism, reduce hangover and fatigue.


    Inactive Ingredients
    Microcrystalline Cellurose, Shell Ca, HPMC,  Thickener (Arabic Gum powder, CMC-Ca, Gelatin), Sucrose esters, HPC, Niacin, V-B6, Talc, V-B2, Colors (Red102, Yellow5, Blue2, Red106), Glazing.

    * Help to protect liver cells, limit liver cell damage due to alcoholic agent.Support to reduce discomfort when drinking a lot of alcohol such as headache, nausea, rash and fatigue.

    * Strengthen liver function, help to transform essential nutrients of the body (protid, glucide, lipid), strengthen and restore health in cases of fatigue, overwork, after getting sick.


    * Person drinks a lot of alcohol.

    * Person who in the period of need to recover health.

    Note: This product is not a medicine, has no effect to replace medicine.

    * Do not use for cases: Sensitive to one of the components of the product.


    * Use before drinking alcohol: take 2 tablets / day.

    * Use when tired: take 2 tablets / day.


    * Pack of 2 sugar-coated tablets.


  • $32.00

    Hakkaisan Junmai Daiginjo (45%) 15.5% 300ml

    Hakkaisan’s classic crisp and clean style, and leaves your palate engaged and refreshed and enhances the flavor of any cuisine.

      Origin   Niigata
      Alcohol   15.5%
      Polishing   –
      SMV   –
      Size   300ml
  • $32.00

    Rumours Cabernet Merlot 750ml

    Grapes are specially selected from small parcels of vines in South Eastern
    Australia. The vines are carefully cultivated to our specifications, with low
    yields producing intensely-flavoured grapes of outstanding quality.

    COLOUR: Dark crimson with rich red hues.

    NOSE: Blackcurrant fruit with underlying chocolate aromas.

    PALATE: Ripe plum and dark berry flavours complete this wine.

    FOOD MATCH SUGGESTIONS: An ideal accompaniment to red meat dishes

    PEAK DRINKING: Ready for enjoyment now. Store in a cool, dry environment.

  • $32.00

    Rumours Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Grapes are specially selected from small parcels of vines in South EasternAustralia. The vines are carefully cultivated to our specifications, with lowyields producing intensely-flavoured grapes of outstanding quality.


    COLOUR: Crimson with deep red hues.

    NOSE: Blackberry fruits with underlying cedar and vanilla notes.

    PALATE: Ripe berry fruits with silky tannins and chocolate flavours.

    FOOD MATCH SUGGESTIONS: An ideal accompaniment to red meat dishes.

    PEAK DRINKING: Ready for enjoyment now. Store in a cool, dry environment.

  • $32.00

    Rumours Chardonnay 750ml

    Grapes are specially selected from small parcels of vines in
    South Eastern Australia. The vines are carefully cultivated to
    our specifications, with low yields producing intensely flavoured grapes of outstanding quality.


    COLOUR: Pale Straw with bright lemon hue.

    NOSE: Fresh green apple and citrus aromas.

    PALATE: Ripe peach and melon flavours. Creamy textured with a fresh crisp finish.

    FOOD MATCH SUGGESTIONS: An ideal accompaniment to chicken, fish or salad dishes.

    PEAK DRINKING: Ready for enjoyment now. Store in a cool, dry environment.

  • $32.00

    Rumours Merlot 750ml

    Grapes are specially selected from small parcels of vines in South Eastern
    Australia. The vines are carefully cultivated to our specifications, with low
    yields producing intensely-flavoured grapes of outstanding quality.


    COLOUR: Deep red.

    NOSE: Lifted red berry and spice aromas.

    PALATE: Flavoursome palate of cherry, raspberry complemented with smooth lengthy tannins.

    FOOD MATCH SUGGESTIONS: An ideal accompaniment to red meat dishes.

    PEAK DRINKING: Ready for enjoyment now. Store in a cool, dry environment.

  • $32.00

    Rumours Moscato 750ml

    Grapes are specially selected from small parcels of vines in
    South Eastern Australia. The vines are carefully cultivated to
    our specifications, with low yields producing intensely flavoured grapes of outstanding quality.


    COLOUR: Straw with green hues emerging.

    NOSE: Floral scents combine with fresh lime and citrus notes.

    PALATE: Vibrant fruits fill the palate.

    FOOD MATCH SUGGESTIONS: An ideal accompaniment to citrus desserts, thai dishes and great start to a


    PEAK DRINKING: Ready for enjoyment now. Store in a cool, dry environment.

  • $32.00

    Rumours Pink Moscato 750ml

    Rumours Pink Moscato is a delightfully fresh, fruity and vibrant sweet style rosé that is made for immediate enjoyment. Aromas and flavours of musk and honey on a palate that is lower in alcohol make for an extremely refreshing wine.


    COLOUR: Vivid rose pink.

    NOSE: A lifted nose of fresh strawberries and cream.

    PALATE: The palate displays cherry and strawberries, finishing with a light spritz.

    FOOD MATCH SUGGESTIONS: An ideal accompaniment to berry desserts, and great start to a celebration.

    PEAK DRINKING: Ready for enjoyment now. Store in a cool, dry environment.

  • $32.00

    Rumours Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Grapes are specially selected from small parcels of vines in South Eastern
    Australia. The vines are carefully cultivated to our specifications, with low
    yields producing intensely-flavoured grapes of outstanding quality.


    COLOUR: Pale straw with bright green hue.

    NOSE: Lifted tropical and herbaceous notes.

    PALATE: Layers of fresh tropical fruits on the palate with a clean and zesty finish.

    FOOD MATCH SUGGESTIONS: An ideal accompaniment to chicken, fish or salad dishes.

    PEAK DRINKING: Ready for enjoyment now. Store in a cool, dry environment

  • $32.00

    Rumours Shiraz 750ml

    Grapes are specially selected from small parcels of vines in South Eastern
    Australia. The vines are carefully cultivated to our specifications, with low
    yields producing intensely-flavoured grapes of outstanding quality.


    COLOUR: Deep plum with purple hues.

    NOSE: Black cherries and red fruits with hints of vanilla and chocolate.

    PALATE: Sweet red berry fruit flavours, silky cocoa tanins giving this wine great length.

    FOOD MATCH SUGGESTIONS: An ideal accompaniment to red meat dishes.

    PEAK DRINKING: Ready for enjoyment now. Store in a cool, dry environment.

  • $32.95

    Warburn Merlot Premium Reserve 750Ml


    “Vintage may vary”. Deep garnet red. Soft aromas of blackberry fruit, chocolate with a hint of cedar, spices and a touch of mint. The palate shows plush, round fruit, with earthy and spice characters framed by smooth and silky tannins, and finishes on a soft note.

  • $32.95

    Warburn Cabernet Merlot Premium Reserve 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Medium crimson red.The bouquet offers a mix of berry, olive and warm earthy aromas.The palate is full, round and velvety, displaying cinnamon, spice and sweet red fruit with a touch of cedar.Balanced by soft, fine tannins, it evolves into a very pleasant, round finish.

  • $32.95

    Warburn Shiraz Premium Reserve 750Ml


    “Vintage may vary”. Medium red purple. The accent is on spices with focused fruit, dark berries and earthy aromas. The palate displays ripe blackberries and spice followed by savory overtones, all supported by a deft touch of oak from 12 months maturation. Soft tannins round off a precise and well-made Shiraz.

  • $32.95

    Warburn Chardonnay Premium Reserve 750Ml

    “Vintage may vary”. Medium straw gold.Distinct citrus characters, with underlying vanilla oak.Crisp citrus lime flavours are immediately evident, with hints of stone fruit balanced by vanillin oakcharacters. The buttery mouth feel emphasises the complexity of this wine.

  • $33.00

    Momoko 25% 500ml

    “Momoko” has a special speaker called a transducer attached to the tank, aged with subtle vibration of Mozart, finished in a refined mellow taste and fragrance, it is good to drink with fruit flavors such as lemon and shikwasa , It is casual old liquor that can be divided with soda or enjoyed even on cocktail bases.

      Origin   Okinawa
      Alcohol   25%
      Size   500ml
  • $33.00

    Kiss of Fire (Kano Jokigen JDG) 15% 270ml

    “KISS of FIRE” is “hot” sake that causes a rave in Shimbashi restaurant in Tokyo “gold Tanaka”, “Culinary Arts in Akasaka” in Morikawa during the New Year party. Polished to 50% using Yamadanishiki rice and slow aging for 3years at low temperature. This refined sake has a well balanced sharpness with firm body and clean aftertaste. You can enjoy this sake from chilled to warm.

      Origin   Ishikawa 石川
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   50%
      SMV   +3
      Size   270ml
  • $33.00

    Kikusui No Karakuchi Jyosen 15% 720ml

    This Sake has a captivating smoothness and crisp dry finish. Due to its medium body, it can provide the perfect balance to any meal making it our most popular product in Niigata’s restaurants. This Sake has the versatility and balance to be enjoyed at a wide range of temperatures from on the rocks to warm.

      Origin   新潟 Niigata
      Alcohol   15%
      Polishing   70%
      SMV   +8
      Size   720ml
  • $33.00$39.00

    Yoshikubo Chokara Junmai Ippin 720ml

    IPPIN’s driest Sake by traditinal method.
    Nice Umami and dry finish. Enjoyable with cold to warm up.

      Origin   Fukui 福井
      Alcohol   15%
      Polishing   60%
      SMV   +12
      Size   720ml

  • $33.00

    [SG Official Product] Choya Sarari Pack 1000ml

    Law alcohol Umeshu with a light aftertaste.

    It uses only high-quality Ume fruit which from Kishu area,
    Wakayama, Japan.

    It is characterized by its smooth taste.

  • $33.00$39.00

    Hasegawa Echigo Sekkobai Futsushu 15% 720ml

    Lot of Sake rice’s UMAMI.  Enjoy chilled and Warm Sake.  Recommended as Daily Sake.

    Recommended to pair with boiled fish, mizutaki.

    Rice: Gohyakumangoku

    Yeast: M-310

      Origin   Niigata
      Alcohol   15%
      Polishing   65%
      SMV   +6
      Size   720ml

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