
  • $55.00

    Bottega Acino Chianti Classico DOCG Riserva 13.5% 750ml

    Color and Appearance: Intense ruby red with garnet tinges.

    Bouquet: Fine but complex and intense bouquet, starting with floral notes (mainly violet), developing into ripe fruity and vanilla bean notes, to finish with balsamic notes and hints of licorice.

    Taste: Captivating, soft and velvety, it is soft and elegant on the palate, rich in noble tannins, with a high persistence to taste and a pleasant final smoothness.

  • $95.00

    Bottega Brunello Montalcino DOCG 14% 750ml

    Color and Appearance: Intense ruby red with garnet tinges.

    Bouquet: Clear, characteristic, intense and persistent: hints of berries and violet, of musk, spices and aromatic wood, notes of vanilla and jam, balsamic aromas.

    Taste: Dry, warm, well-structured, robust, complex and soft, with elegant tannins perfectly balanced with the alcohol content, pleasant and persistent aftertaste.

  • $47.00

    Bottega Pink Manzoni Moscato Spumante 7% 750ml

    Color and Appearance: Delicate rosé color with fine and persistent perlage.

    Bouquet: Intense, delicate and refined, characterized by an aroma of roses and fruity notes of cherry, raspberry, ripe citrus fruits and final spicy notes of sage.

    Taste: Sweet, elegant, harmonic, balanced, with a long aromatic persistence, but also fresh thanks to its acidity and tannins which balance the high sugar content.

  • $29.00

    Bottega Petalo Amore Moscato Spumante 6.5% 750ml

    Color and Appearance: Straw yellow with fine and lasting perlage. Bouquet: Complex, intense, delicate, with floral (rose, wisteria and wildflowers) and fruity (yellow peach, apricot and citrus) notes and a pleasant hint of sage in the finish.

    Taste: Velvety, pleasantly sweet, intense and persistent with a good acidity that enriches its freshness and balances the high sugar content.

  • $18.00

    Bottega Petalo Amore Moscato Spumante 6.5% 200ml

    Color and Appearance: Straw yellow with fine and lasting perlage. Bouquet: Complex, intense, delicate, with floral (rose, wisteria and wildflowers) and fruity (yellow peach, apricot and citrus) notes and a pleasant hint of sage in the finish.

    Taste: Velvety, pleasantly sweet, intense and persistent with a good acidity that enriches its freshness and balances the high sugar content.

  • $29.00

    Bottega Spumante Venezia 11% 750ml

    Color and Appearance:Straw yellow with golden tinges; fine and persistent perlage.

    Bouquet: Delicate fruity (apple and peach) and floral (hawthorn, acacia and wisteria) aromas with a pleasant almond notes in the finish.

    Taste: Delicate and fresh wine, with a clear and balanced taste; round and smooth on the palate.

  • $160.00

    Bottega Stardust Prosecco DOC Dry 11% 750ml (GB)

    Color and Appearance: Delicate rosé colour with fine, long-lasting beading.

    Bouquet: Intense and refined, with an aroma that recalls rose petals, along with notes of peach, melon and exotic fruit and delicate spicy notes to close.

    Taste: Elegant, smooth, slightly sweet, excellent freshness given by the vivacious acidity, a considerably long-lasting aftertaste.

  • $55.00

    Bottega Rose Gold Spumante 11.5% 750ml

    Color and Appearance: Brilliant, subtle pink color, fine and persistent perlage.

    Bouquet: Intense, elegant, complex, characterized by floral and fruity notes, mainly mixed berries, currants and wild strawberries.

    Taste: Fresh, delicate, soft, structured, with balanced acidity and a pleasant and persistent aftertaste.

  • $18.00

    Bottega Rose Gold Spumante 11.5% 200ml

    Color and Appearance: Brilliant, subtle pink color, fine and persistent perlage.

    Bouquet: Intense, elegant, complex, characterized by floral and fruity notes, mainly mixed berries, currants and wild strawberries.

    Taste: Fresh, delicate, soft, structured, with balanced acidity and a pleasant and persistent aftertaste.

  • $55.00

    Bottega White Gold Venezia DOC Spumante Brut 11% 750ml

    Color and Appearance: Straw yellow with gold reflexes, fine and persistent perlage.

    Bouquet: Elegant and refined, it is characterized by fruity hints (mainly apple and peach), delicate floral aromas (hawthorn above all), with a finish of honey notes and a special aromaticity reminding

    of dried fruit.

    Taste: Soft and captivating, on the palate it creates a perfect balance between the freshness of Glera grape, the body of Chardonnay grape and the acidity of Pinot grape

  • $55.00

    Bottega Gold Prosecco Spumante DOC 11% 750ml

    Color and Appearance: Bright, straw yellow, fine and persistent perlage. Bouquet: Typical and refined with fruity (green apples, pear, citrus fruits) and floral (white flowers, acacia, wisteria and lily of the valley) notes, sage and spices in the finish.

    Taste: Soft, harmonious and elegant, with a slim body and with lively yet balanced acidity.

  • $18.00

    Bottega Gold Prosecco Spumante DOC 11% 200ml

    Color and Appearance: Bright, straw yellow, fine and persistent perlage. Bouquet: Typical and refined with fruity (green apples, pear, citrus fruits) and floral (white flowers, acacia, wisteria and lily of the valley) notes, sage and spices in the finish.

    Taste: Soft, harmonious and elegant, with a slim body and with lively yet balanced acidity.

  • $70.00

    Hakushika Vintage2010 Jukusei Koshu 17.5% 720ml

    “Kuromatsu Shiraka Aged Koshu 2010 Brewing” is a liquor brewed in 2010 that has been slowly aged and is packed with sweetness and thickness. It is a sake that enjoys a rich finish, characterized by its rich sweetness, mellow aroma, and swelling richness.You can enjoy a straight and rich taste with a luxuriously mellow aroma in a rock style, and when you warm it up a little, the mellow taste with sharp edges swells, and you can enjoy various expressions in a wide range of temperatures.If you sprinkle aged old sake on vanilla ice cream, it will be a luxurious adult dessert with the aroma and taste unique to 10 years of aging. Please try the finest dessert only for adults, where the creamy and mellow sweetness of vanilla ice cream blends with the rich and rich flavor of aged old sake.

    Rice: Yamadanishiki

    Kanzake Contest 2020 Received the highest gold award in the special lukewarm category.

      Origin   Hyogo 兵庫
      Alcohol   17.5%
      Polishing   70%
      SMV   -6
      Size   720ml
  • $118.00

    Takasago Junmai Daiginjo Asahikamui 16% 720ml

    Bottling Date: 2023.04

    The mash that has been fermented at low temperature for a long time is squeezed and stored raw at ice temperature. It features a mellow aroma, a delicate and rich taste, and a smooth mouthfeel.

    Bottling Date: 2023.04

  • $888.00

    Katsuyama Junmai Daiginjo Diamond Akatsuki 16% 720ml

    Nothing was spared in drawing on the latest brewing philosophy, theory, and techniques in order to create the ultimate sake for today’s world. Each bottle contains only the essence of Japanese sake, extracted from the rich potential, depth, and beauty of rice to create a “liquid diamond.” Every technique and every effort went into this extravagant sake, which exhibits the perfect brightness, clarity, and hardness of a diamond. Great with seafoods and lightly flavored meals.

    Rice: Yamadanishiki

    Parker Point 95 Points is for the non diamond

  • $41.50

    [SG Official Product] Choya Royal Honey 17% 700ml

    Choya Royal Honey is an Umeshu (Japanese liqueur made with ume plums, several of which are included in the jar) flavoured with natural honey and royal jelly, believed to strengthen the body and ease stress levels.

  • $82.00

    Riedel Extreme Junmai (Set of 2’S) 4441/27

    The Extreme glasses derive their name from their extreme contours. The bowls are reminiscent of polished diamonds that spread out wide and taper off at the top. This allows the wine plenty of room to breathe, enhancing and emphasizing the pleasant softness and generally fruity notes of the New World wines.

    This sake glass is specifically designed for Japan’s national drink. In contrast to Daiginjo, Junmai boasts a much greater complexity and range, making it the perfect companion for food. At first glance, the shape of the new glass may cause some confusion, as it might well be taken for a cocktail glass owing to its wide rim. This is, however, necessary to evenly disperse the grain-inflected, woody and sherry-like aromas of rich matured Junmai sakes. These aromas would be overbearing in a close-mouthed glass. The diamond-shaped base, which was developed from Riedel’s Extreme series, controls the flow so that the liquid stays on the tongue, highlighting the sake’s velvety texture. Riedel recommends the Junmai glass for fuller and umami-dense types of Junmai, such as Kimoto and Yamahai, or rich matured brews displaying complex notes of caramel, dried fruit and mushroom. Aromatic types with lighter body and pure characteristics – such as Daiginjo, Ginjo, Junmai Daiginjo and Junmai Ginjo are best served in the Daiginjo glass.

  • $59.00

    Riedel Vinum Daiginjo 416/75

    The Vinum Daiginjo is perfect for highlighting the fruity and floral bouquet in Daiginjo sake. This glass debuted in 1999, following two years of workshops with dozens of sake brewers. This elegant egg-shaped vessel featured a convex rim to bring the sake’s sweetness, acidity and bitterness into balance.

    All RIEDEL glasses are dishwasher safe.

  • $45.00

    [SG Official Product] Choya Yuzu 15% 750ml

    CHOYA Yuzu made with only top-quality Japanese yuzu citrus freshly picked in Shikoku island. 100% natural ingredients. Frosty bottle with simple yet beautiful Japanese design. Excellent on its own or with soda, great mixable for cocktails

    • Volume: 750ml
    • Alcohol: 15% alc./vol.
    • Ingredients: yuzu, sugar, cane spirit


    Tasting Notes:

    CHOYA Yuzu is made from yuzu, a thorny yet beautiful citrus that infuses this liqueur with floral wonders and a refreshing citrus taste.

  • $72.00

    Shin Blended Whisky Select 40% 500ml

    SHIN Select Reserve Whisky is blended with 2 years finished whisky of exbourbon and ex-sherry, that are both previously aged in Japanese Shochu cask (American Oak) for 3 years. Orange amber color. Suitable for neat drinks or with ice. Alcohol: 40%

    Nose: Cereal barley malt, some caramelised sugar and light treacle, hints of vanilla custard and crème brulee, fruity apples and pears, toffee and caramel.

    Palate: Light and smooth initially, creamy caramelised sugar, caramel, fudge, toffee, vanilla, some spices begin to develop, a light wasabi heat and a little fennel give this a spiced kick.

    Finish: Medium, balanced between creamy vanilla toffee and drying spiced oak and hints of peat

  • $61.50

    Thomas Barton Reserve Sauternes 750ml

    The beautiful bouquet displays overtones of honey, tropical fruit, apricot, and orange marmalade. Intense, full-bodied, and simply irresistible on the palate, this wine is perfectly balanced and wonderfully fresh.

  • $150.00

    B&G Chateau Magnol Twin Pack 750ml (WB)

    “Vintage may vary.” Deep red with a ruby shade. Avery expressive nose full of red berry aromas ( strawberries, raspberries) as well as toasty and minty notes. Good concentration, with present but soft tannins and a long fruity and spicy finish.

  • $76.00

    Katsuyama Junmai Daiginjo Senshomasamune Takenisuzume 720ml

    The pure rice simmered with the finest Yamada brocade made by Sendai, the scent of raw wine is displayed on this exhibition with some sweet and mellow sweetness. In the middle and the back, it is simple to mix some white peach aroma, the full body sake with fruity aroma and end with dry and clean.


      Origin   Miyagi 宮城
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   50%
      SMV   非公開
      Size   720ml
  • $48.50

    [SG Official Product] Choya Genshu 18% 720ml

    “The CHOYA” is a masterpiece created with our long history of ume liqueur making experience and data
    accumulation by CHOYA. It is made with 100% Japan grown Nanko ume fruit and is fully absorbed by
    nature’s bounty. “The CHOYA” is produced with much time and effort without adding artificial additives such
    as acidulants and artificial flavors, to bring out the maximum taste of ume. The highly tartness with rich taste comes from pure ume liqueur. (Genshu)
    To be enjoy chilled, on-the-rocks, mixed with soda or hot water.

      Origin   Osaka 大阪
      Alcohol   18%
      Size   720ml
  • $45.00

    [SG Official Product] Choya Craft Fruit 15% 700ml

    Origin Osaka 大阪
    Alcohol 15%
    Size 700ml

    “The CHOYA” is a masterpiece created with our long history of ume liqueur making experience and data
    accumulation by CHOYA. It is made with 100% Japan grown Nanko ume fruit and is fully absorbed by
    nature’s bounty. “The CHOYA” is produced with much time and effort without adding artificial additives such
    as acidulants and artificial flavors, to bring out the maximum taste of ume.

    The rich Nanko-ume liqueur is blended with the ripe Nanko-ume puree. The
    extra fruitiness with a luscious sweetness complement the long lingering
    aging notes of this authentic Japanese liqueur.


  • $26.80

    Mateus Rose Original

    “Vintage may vary”. Pale salmon color, fragrant strawberry & raspberry fruit aromas, off-dry, cherry fruit flavors, with a soft finish.

  • $39.50

    Hakushika Kaori Junmai Ginjo Premium 900ml

    A higher-grade pure rice brewed sake that can enjoy agorgeous fragrance and fresh flavor. A premium packof “Easy but authentic” premium chilled and deliciouspure rice brewed sake that has been upgraded to amore fragrant and refreshing taste.In addition to sashimi and grilled fish, it goes well withdelicious and sour dishes such as fish and chickenpickled in Nanban and boiled in tomato sauce.

    London Sake Challenge 2019 Platinum Award Winner

    Kura Master Sake Competition 2019 Gold Award

    Wine glass delicious sake award 2019 gold medal

      Origin  兵庫HYOGO
      Alcohol   14%
      Size   900ml



  • $11.90

    Hakushika Chokarakuchi Junmai 300ml

    Chokara Junmai is a distinctly dry sake with a sharp
    and refreshing finish. With the full body typical in the
    finest junmai sake, Chokara junmai is a pleasant
    compliment to bolder flavors. Can enjoy in chilled, room
    temperature or warmed.

      Origin   兵庫
      Alcohol   14.5%
      Size   300ml
  • $18.00

    Hanagaki Junmai Nigori 300ml

    This nigori sake is a junmai ginjyo grade (polishing to
    60%) that usually don’t associate with nigiri sake. It is
    no as sweet and has the profile of ginjyo shu
    characteristics. Can served in any temperature!!

      Origin   福井
      Alcohol   14%
      Size   300ml
  • $22.00

    Kitaya Daiginjo Ginnohitomi 300ML

    Eye of Gin is the sake of exquisite taste taste that was
    refreshing refreshing, of Daiginjo only. In addition,
    “Sato Gin” raw rice was added to our catalog on locality
    varieties of JA Fukuoka eight girls as specific
    agricultural cooperatives selected brand and brewing
    suitable rice planting from 2010!

      Origin   福岡
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   50%
      SMV   +6
      Size   500ml



  • $120.00

    Nanbubijin Junmai Daiginjo 16% 720ml

    Super Premium Sake from Iwate, JAPAN. Fruity and elegant sake. This sake has an excellent long and pleasant finish. Brewed by master brewers with using one of the coldest and snowiest regions of Japan. IWC 2015 Gold Medal and so many other gold medals.
    Rice: Yamada-nishiki

      Origin   Iwate  岩手
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   35%
      SMV   ±0
      Size   720ml

  • $38.00

    Hakushika Kijuro Tokubetsu Honjozo 14% 720ml

    A Sake made from a blend of different sakes including Ginjo that comes to over 25% in its composition. A fresh and light nose. It is rich and round in the mouth, finishing on sharp and mineral notes.

  • $35.00

    [SG Official Product] Choya Kokutou 15% 720ml

    CHOYA KOKUTOU product from the world most famous Umeshu distiller CHOYA, OSAKA JAPAN. This time, Choya blend Japanese Ume fruit with brown sugar, black rum & black vinegar to make its taste rich, sweet & even a bit smoky. You could enjoy drinking this on the rocks, as a desert or even top it on vanilla ice cream for the extra sweet & rich flavour.

  • $67.00

    Katsuyama Junmai Ginjo Ken 16% 720ml (Gb)

    This is an expertly Junmai Ginjo with a 50% milling rate.  Very reasonably priced compared to other Katsuyama sake but still maintains the same superior quality. Has a light fragrance and is very flavorful. A perfect sake to pair with many types of dishes. The name Ken means “to present something,” or a “wonderful gift.”

    Rice: Yamadanishiki

    2019 IWC Champion Sake

    2019 US National Sake Appraisal Award Second Grand Pix

    2018 & 2019 KURA Master Award First prize

      Origin   宮城 MIYAGI
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   50%
      SMV   +4
      Size   720ml
  • $131.00

    Kiuchi Kukusakari Gekkakow JDG 17% 720ml(Gb)

    This daiginjo is specially brewed for Sake Competition. It was aged for at least 3 years at freezing temperature. Very good fragrant & elegant. It is the highest masterpiece of the Kiuchi brewery.

      Origin   茨城 IBARAKI
      Alcohol   17%
      Polishing   40%
      SMV   +4
      Size   720ml


  • $116.00

    Katsuyama Junmai Daiginjyo Muroka Genshu Den 16% 720ml (Gb)

    Brewed with a traditional sake brewing method,  Den features a fruity aroma and distinct rich flavors.This sake has the true characteristics of a Junmai Daiginjo. Its crisp and clean umami stands out clearly and lingers as a distinctly mouthwatering aftertaste. It is an excellent choice to pair with tuna and salmon sushi/sashimi. It also goes well with meat and meat dishes prepared in both Japanese and western style.

    Den means “tradition,” referring to the traditional way this sake is brewed. The name Den also can mean “to convey” thoughts and feelings.

    Rice: Yamadanishiki

    2018 SAKE Selection Award First Prize

    2019 KURA Master Award First prize

      Origin   宮城 MIYAGI
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   35%
      SMV   +1
      Size   720ml
  • $59.95

    Hakushika Nadajikomi Dry 1800ml

    Brewed With Nishinomiya’s famous cool and clear Water “Miyamizu” and both conceived and crafted in the famous sake brewing region of nada, this is a genuinely dry sake. This crisp and refreshing sake has a pleasant flavor and clean finish.

      Origin   Hyogo
      Alcohol   14.5%
      Polishing   75%
      SMV   +4
      Size   1800ml
  • $50.00

    Mioya Yuho Yamaoroshi Junmai Muroka Nama Genshu Kimoto 17% 720ml Vintage 2019

    Yamaoroshi is a synonym of “kimoto”, the ancident starter method used to make this sake. This bottle has  a perfect balance of umami and acidity, a full-bodied palate, and a refreshing finish. It’s ricey and herbal, with the alcohol so brilliantly integrated you hadly notice it. Serve chilled. Pair with meat or cheese dishes.

    Rice: Noto Hikari, Gohyakumangoku

  • $78.00

    Hakurakusei Junmai Daiginjo 16% 720ml

    The Aroma Gives You Hint Like Lychee, Which Is Characterized By A Refined And Elegant Richness If Delicious Rice And Refresing Mouthfeel. The Finish Of A Gentle And Pleasant Banana Scent Is Refreshing With Adequate Level Of Sourness. Served In Jal First Class.

      Origin   宮城 MIYAGI
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   40%
      SMV   +4
      Size   720ml


  • $49.00

    Hakurakusei Tokubetsu Junmai 16% 720ml

    Hakurakusei Tokubetsu Junmai is laser focused, a clean, direct sake bursting with vitality. Nuances of apricot and peach and faint notes of citrus zest. Fresh and alive with a tingly finish, this sake is designed to stimulate the appetite and to complement light and delicate dishes without overwhelming them. Particularly good with a variety of sashimi or summer salads. High quality Yamada Nishiki rice from Hyogo prefecture milled to 60%.

      Origin   宮城 MIYAGI
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   60%
      SMV   +3
      Size   720ml


  • $216.00

    Katsuyama Junmai Daiginjo Akatsuki 16% 720ml

    Embodiment of elegance. Like a well- rehearsed play, the initial sweetness is followed by a dryness that leads into an elegant acidity which then finishes with softness that goes down like velvet. Combining the ideal perfect balance and meticulous brewing method, this ultra-premium sake befits Katsuyama’s worldview.

      Origin   宮城 Miyagi
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   35%
      SMV    ± 0
      Size   720ml


  • $28.00

    [SG Official Product] Craft Gin Cocktail Grapefruit & Herb Liqueur 22% 300Ml (By Yomeishu)

    • Extremely high-quality cocktail based with craft gin, “Ka-no-Shizuku”, which has great scent of Lindera umbellata.
    • White and Red grapefruits juice and Yuzu juice make it slightly bitter taste.
    • To put Lindera umbellata, Rosemary, Citrus unshiu peel, and Lemon into original gin, we have succeeded rich aroma and taste.
    • You can enjoy it any style you want such as on the rock and with soda.
  • $35.00

    [SG Official Product] Craft Gin Kanoshizuku 40% Spirit 300Ml (By Yomeishu)

    • Dry gin using 11 varieties of botanicals with a focus on Kuromoji (Lindera umbellata) which is an aromatic tree grown naturally in Japan.
    • We are committed to combination of botanicals and manufacturing method since we have been manufacturing herb liqueur for many years.
    • You can enjoy Kuromoji’s flagrance and taste which is delicate, light, and rich at the same time. ・ Base water is “GOKUNANSUI” which means extremely soft water. The water has been polished by Japanese Central Alps.


    • This bottle express our view of the world of “craft gin of forest.”
    • Having printings of Kuromoji, a symbolic ingredient of this product on the both side of the label. 
    • Monotone design represents refreshing taste of the product and our passion for craftsmanship.
    • The gold leaf-speckled label represents the blessed time to taste nature.


    Changed alcohol content to 40% from 37% through trial and error to deliver delicate, rich fragrance and taste.  Illustrations of Kuromoji and gold leaf represent our passion for craftsmanship, rich fragrance of botanicals, and the blessed time to taste nature. 

    Ingredients Lemon peel, Juniper berry, Kuromoji, Coriander, Licorice, Angelica, Ginger, Cinnamon, Sichuan pepper, Cardamom, Callaway, Distilled alcohol Alcohol: 40%

  • $139.00

    [SG Official Product] Craft Gin Kanomori 47% Spirit 700Ml (By Yomeishu)

    Used 19 varieties of botanicals with a focus on  Lindera umbellata which is a aromatic tree grown naturally in Japan. 

     ・ You can enjoy the scent of bracing trees, such as you were in the forest.

     ・ With long and rich finish by the combination of some botanicals

     ・ Used pure underground water polished by Japan Central Alps.

     ・ Dry Gin which is great as cocktail use such as Gin tonic.

  • $115.00

    Masumi Miyasaka Label Pasteurized 1.8L

    Cornerstone of the Miyasaka series. Showcases number seven’s gentle all-round flavor and clean acidity using Miyama Nishiki sake rice. Association No. 7 yeast is characterized by a mild flavor and fresh acid. It is a flagship product of the series.

      Origin   長野 NAGANO
      Alcohol   15%
      Polishing   55%
      SMV   +2
      Size   1800ml



  • $59.00

    Kirishima Kuro Ex Imo Shochu 25% 900ml

    Clear color. Savory, smoky aromas and flavors of baked sweet potato, preserved lime, black snake, alliums, and marinated mushrooms with a satiny, crisp, dry light-to-medium body and a graceful, complex, medium-length finish that exhibits overtones of roasted carrot, pickled ginger, and mint finish. A chewy, savory Shochu that will make a great dinner pairing; lots of nuance to explore.

      Origin   Miyazaki 宮崎
      Alcohol   25%
      Size   900ml
  • $38.00

    Yonetsuru Junmaishu Mahoroba 720ml

    Junmai sake based on the safety and security of using “Dewa no Sato” from Takahatacho Sake Rice Research Society. It has also been certified by the Yamagata Selection and the local Takahata brand. It is Neat scent, clean and smooth rich taste.

      Origin   山形 Yamagata
      Alcohol   15%
      Polishing   60%
      SMV   +2
      Size   720ml
  • $52.00$64.00

    Yonetsuru Junmai Daiginjo Jinenryu 720ml (GB)

    Junmai Daiginjo sake is cold-prepared with specially cultivated rice (reduced agricultural chemicals and reduced chemical fertilizers) “Dewa Sansan” cultivated by the brewer himself. The aroma is elegant and swelling, and the umami of the rice is alive with a soft mouthfeel.

    Won the recommended brand in the 2010 IWC (International Wine Challenge).

      Origin   山形 Yamagata
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   50%
      SMV   +2
      Size   720ml


  • $84.00

    Tempoichi Junmai Daiginjo 16% Nakagumi 720ml

    The top note is gentle but the aroma goes through the nose is just elegant and fruity. The taste is filled with Umami and sourness, it’s a rare full-bodied Junmaidaiginjo. The perfect balance of Umami and sourness enable to pair with any kind of foods.


      Origin   広島 Hiroshima
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   40%
      SMV   +4
      Size   720ml

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