
  • $75.00

    B&G Chateau Magnol 750Ml


    “Vintage may vary”. Deep red with a ruby shade.Avery expressive nose full of red berry aromas ( strawberries, raspberries) as well as toasty and minty notes.Good concentration, with present but soft tannins and a long fruity and spicy finish.

  • $75.00

    Bottega Colors Vodka Bio Alexander 38% 700ml

    Color and Appearance: colorless, clear and crystalline. 

    Bouquet: it has a clean intense nose characterized by a typical grain note and subtle balsamic accents. 

    Taste: soft, round and full bodied, it is balanced on the palate with an aftertaste which fuses a flash of freshness with the personality of the grain used in its making.

  • $76.00

    Hakuryu Junmai Daiginjo 15% 720ml

    This Sake reflects the Niigata style while is a general soft body with a slight dryness and well balanced on the palate. It finishes with a light fragrance and sweetness, smooth and very approachable for meals with sashimi and lightly salted cuisines.

      Origin   新潟 Niigata
      Alcohol   15%
      Polishing   45%
      SMV   +3
      Size   720ml
  • $76.00

    Katsuyama Junmai Daiginjo Senshomasamune Takenisuzume 720ml

    The pure rice simmered with the finest Yamada brocade made by Sendai, the scent of raw wine is displayed on this exhibition with some sweet and mellow sweetness. In the middle and the back, it is simple to mix some white peach aroma, the full body sake with fruity aroma and end with dry and clean.


      Origin   Miyagi 宮城
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   50%
      SMV   非公開
      Size   720ml
  • $76.00

    Born Hoshi Junmai Daiginjo 15% 500ml (GB)

    The most important for the earth, Expressing clean water. Junmai Daiginjo Sake is a blend of sake that has been aged at -5 ° C for 1 to 2 years at ice temperature. It features a clear aroma and a deep, refreshing taste with a strong presence. Rice: Hyogo Special A Yamadanishiki2018 SFIWC (San Francisco International Wine Competition) Double gold medal (highest award) Origin: Fukui 福井| Alc: 15% | Polishing: 35% | SMV: +3

  • $76.30

    Kikusui Junmai Daiginjo Sakamai 15% 720ml

    Junmai Daiginjo Sake with a rich aroma and deep, soft dryness. The sake rice called “Kikusui”, which has excellent properties but has been temporarily cut off, has been revived from only 25 seeds of paddy. Pure rice brewing that draws out the power of rice

      Origin   Niigata
      Alcohol   15%
      Polishing   40%
      SMV   –
      Size   720ml
  • $78.00$108.00

    Kitaya Junmai Daiginjo Shizuko 15% 720ml

    Using high quality “Yamada-Nishiki” rice in Fukuoka and polished down to 39%. “Shizukushibori” is a drip process without external pressure by hanging the mash in bags and allowing the liquid to drip out under its own weight. The characteristic of this sake is rich taste with a gentle fragrance of fruits.

      Origin   福岡 Fukuoka
      Alcohol   15.5%
      Polishing   39%
      SMV   ±0
      Size   720ml


  • $78.00

    Hakurakusei Junmai Daiginjo 16% 720ml

    The Aroma Gives You Hint Like Lychee, Which Is Characterized By A Refined And Elegant Richness If Delicious Rice And Refresing Mouthfeel. The Finish Of A Gentle And Pleasant Banana Scent Is Refreshing With Adequate Level Of Sourness. Served In Jal First Class.

      Origin   宮城 MIYAGI
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   40%
      SMV   +4
      Size   720ml


  • $78.00

    Yatsushika Junmai Daiginjo Gold 17% 720ml (Gb)


    The gold stamp & the ultimate of sake Yatsushika. The deliciousness of rice that spreads slowly when you put it in your mouth. The original taste of sake rather than Ginjo incense, Junmai Daiginjo sake with a deep and full flavor. Enjoy the creation of the whole body of Mori, who has been in the tradition of sake Yatsuka for 150 years. Please enjoy the rich and elegant drinking, which goes well with food, like kamonabe.

    Rice: Hyogo Yamadanishiki Yeast: Kumamoto yeast

    The Fine Sake Awards Japan 2019 -GOLD MEDAL

  • $78.00

    Ohmine 3 Grain Muroka Nama Genshu Dewasansan 15% 720Ml

    A juicy taste with a sweet and sour taste like grapefruit, plus a freshness that is unique to unpasteurized sake. Add freshness to the fragrant taste! Enjoy the freshness of fresh sake with seasonal ingredients.
    Rice: Dewasansan

  • $79.00

    B&G Aop Chateauneuf-Du-Pape 750ML

    Deep red garnet colour.

    Intense nose with aromas of ripe fruits (raspberry, blackcurrant, plum) mixed with toasted and licorice hints.

    Full on the palate, mixing the character of black fruits with the warmth of the spices. Round and long finish with lively notes of mint.

  • $79.00

    Bottega Stella Millesimato Extra Dry 11% 750ml (Blue Version)

    Bottega Stella is a Brut sparkling wine of great personality that originates from a special cuveé obtained from Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Glera grapes. The bottle of great and immediate impact portrays a constellation on its surface. The blue background highlights the stars that shine intensely, thanks to the LED light bulb placed at the base of the bottle and which can be activated through the simple flip of a switch. Original and refined, Bottega Stella is an intriguing suggestion for exclusive parties, informal events or evenings with friends.

  • $79.00

    Bottega Stella Rosa Millessimato Rosé Extra Dry 11.5% 750ml

    Color and Appearance

    Bright mother-of-pearl pink, fine and persistent perlage.


    Complex olfactory notes with floral hints of undergrowth and fruity hints of pear and white pulp peach.


    Fresh and slightly sapid, it reproduces on the palate a complexity similar to the olfactory one.

  • $79.80

    Kato Kichibee “Born” Yamahai Jikomi Muroka Junmai Daiginjo Nama Genshu

    After pressing, this sake is aged for over 1 year at ultra-low temperature of -10 to -15degC. This aging gives the sake a rich and deep complex flavor of sweetness and umami. Wonderfully smooth, deep and yet hints of youthfulness. It brings a new dimensional to Yamahai style sake.

      Origin   福井 Fukui
      Alcohol   17%
      Polishing   50%
      SMV   +4
      Size   720ml
  • $82.00

    Sanwa Iichiko Flash Mugi Shochu 30% 720ml

    Clean aroma, rich body, and deep flavor. This barley shochu is positioned at the top of the iichiko product range. It can be enjoyed on the rocks, with cold water, or with hot water on winter days. Experience its supreme taste.

      Origin   Oita 大分
      Alcohol   30%
      Size   900ml


  • $82.00

    Riedel Extreme Junmai (Set of 2’S) 4441/27

    The Extreme glasses derive their name from their extreme contours. The bowls are reminiscent of polished diamonds that spread out wide and taper off at the top. This allows the wine plenty of room to breathe, enhancing and emphasizing the pleasant softness and generally fruity notes of the New World wines.

    This sake glass is specifically designed for Japan’s national drink. In contrast to Daiginjo, Junmai boasts a much greater complexity and range, making it the perfect companion for food. At first glance, the shape of the new glass may cause some confusion, as it might well be taken for a cocktail glass owing to its wide rim. This is, however, necessary to evenly disperse the grain-inflected, woody and sherry-like aromas of rich matured Junmai sakes. These aromas would be overbearing in a close-mouthed glass. The diamond-shaped base, which was developed from Riedel’s Extreme series, controls the flow so that the liquid stays on the tongue, highlighting the sake’s velvety texture. Riedel recommends the Junmai glass for fuller and umami-dense types of Junmai, such as Kimoto and Yamahai, or rich matured brews displaying complex notes of caramel, dried fruit and mushroom. Aromatic types with lighter body and pure characteristics – such as Daiginjo, Ginjo, Junmai Daiginjo and Junmai Ginjo are best served in the Daiginjo glass.

  • $83.50

    [SG Official Product] Yomeishu Health Tonic- 700Ml Twin Pack Herbal Liqueur

    MAHS 0400324.Yomeishu is a herbal liqueur which acts on the weakened the self-regulating function of the body to regulate general conditions and leads to good health.

  • $84.00

    Tempoichi Junmai Daiginjo 16% Nakagumi 720ml

    The top note is gentle but the aroma goes through the nose is just elegant and fruity. The taste is filled with Umami and sourness, it’s a rare full-bodied Junmaidaiginjo. The perfect balance of Umami and sourness enable to pair with any kind of foods.


      Origin   広島 Hiroshima
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   40%
      SMV   +4
      Size   720ml
  • $85.00

    Nanbubijin Daiginjo 16% 720ml

    The sake brewery “NANBU BIJIN” in Ninohe, Iwate, acquired the world’s first vegan sake certificate on January 25th, 2019!

    Elegant, stunning and well crafted as a sake can be. Nanbu Bijin Daiginjo is a beautiful sake to introduce beginners to the world of premium sake. Made with unique Ginotome rice which is grown in Iwate.

      Origin   Iwate 岩手
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   40%
      SMV   +5
      Size   720ml
  • $86.00$108.00

    Kitaya Junmai Daiginjo Sansan 16% 720ML (GB)

    This sake is made from Yamada-Nishiki brewing rice which is harvested in the Itoshima area of Fukuoka Pref. The milling percentage of the sake is 2% less than Daiginjyo Gokujyo Kitaya, which was awarded champion’s sake at IWC 2013.100% of the sake brewers master’s skill is put into this nihonshu. Please enjoy the gorgeous, fruity, aromatic and rich taste.Rice: Yamadanishiki. Origin: 福岡 Fukuoka | Alcohol: 16% | Polishing: 33% | SMV: ±0 | Size: 720ml

  • $87.40

    Hakuryu Daiginjo 16% 720ml

    MONDE SELECTION Gold Medal Award. Highly recommended. Brewed with low temperature using “Yamadanishiki” and “Takanenishiki” rice that produces a dry sake that is mellow & fruity with ginjyo fragrant.

      Origin   新潟 Niigata
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   40%
      SMV   +5
      Size   720ml
  • $88.00

    Kamotsuru Junmai 14% 1800ml

    It was made to ripe slowly to the cold season in the process of low-temperature long-duration fermentation method. It is slighting dry with good mouthfeel.

     Origin   Hiroshima 広島
     Alcohol   14%
     Polishing   65%
     Size   1800ml



  • $88.00

    Kagura Kurouma Mugi Pack 25% 1800ml

    Vintage may vary. Good blend of distillation under diminished pressure and atmospheric distillation Very aromic and pleasant.

  • $88.00$133.00

    Dassai Junmai Daiginjo 45 16% 1800ml

    Light, balanced, clean and easy drinking, this sake is a star. It’s wonderful for beginners to get into sake and fantastic for others to simply enjoy. There are wonderful fruits on the palate without coming off too sweet. 

      Origin   山口 Yamaguchi
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   45%
      SMV   +4
      Size   1800ml
  • $88.00$97.90

    Masumi Junmai Daiginjyo Genshu Sanka 15% 720ml (GB)

    As fresh and inviting as an alpine meadow. Sanka has a fresh, natural flavor that builds from cup to cup. An exceptionally easy-going super premium daiginjo.


      Origin   長野 Nagano
      Alcohol   15%
      Polishing   45%
      SMV   +3
      Size   720ml


  • $88.00

    Kamoshibito Kuheiji Junmai Daiginjo Kanochi 16% 720ml

    This sake invites you to focus on the balance of acids and residual sugars. One notch less polished, rice so much to express itself more in a suavity specific to Yamada.
    It will nevertheless be necessary to wait a minimum of a year for the sugars to concentrate and release the potential of this sake. From then on and for at least five years at each tasting, the mouth will evolve, sometimes declining on pear and melon from the Andes, more and more ripe.
    With white fish or crab meat, the fusion is complete.. 

      Origin   Aichi  愛知
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   40%
      SMV   非公開
      Size   720ml


  • $88.00

    Kokushimuso Tokubetsu Junmai 15% 1800ml

    Using “Miyama Nishiki” rice suitable for sake brewing, it is characterized by the taste of pure and pure rice itself. The refreshing dryness of sake degree +5 is exactly the essence of Kokushi Musou.

      Origin   Hokkaido
      Alcohol   15%
      Polishing   58%
      SMV   +5
      Size   1800ml
  • $88.00

    Cruxland Gin- Black Winter Truffle 43% 750ml

    This handcrafted premium gin from Cruxland has a unique, black winter truffle infusion, making it a flavoursome and luscious London Dry taste exuding complexity. Blended with 13 signature botanicals, the gin offers a combination of warm spice, citrus and floral finished off with the infusion of black winter truffles, which adds to its earthy notes. What’s more, Black Winter won the World’s Best London Dry Gin at the World Gin Awards 2020.

    The black winter truffles add a complexity, exaggerating the earthy and buttery tones. The outcome is a complex, flavoursome London Dry gin and a nice balance between sweet and savoury, freshness, spice, florals and a hint of Christmas pudding.

    *100% grape spirit gin*Re-distilled in potstills with juniper berries and 12 other local botanicals*Infused with black winter truffles (Tuber Melanosporum)

    *Made in small batches in Paarl

  • $88.00

    Cruxland Gin 43% 750ml

    View: Kwv Cruxland Gin 1L is light in color and slightly tinted containing botanicals.

    Nose: Earthy and spicy profile (cilantro), determined by very slight touches of citrus (lemon), which provide a pleasant freshness.

    Palate: Round and deliciously creamy Palace dominant juniper berry, complemented by spicy notes of coriander, anise and cardamom. smooth finish and fresh lemon records, enhanced by aromas of almond, rooibos, honey and tree 

  • $88.00

    Kwv 10year Brandy 38% 750ml

    A vintage brandy matured in oak barrels for 10 years. With its deep amber colour, KWV 10 Year Old contains complex, dried-fruit and port-wine aroma, enhanced by subtle spicy and nutty flavours. A full-bodied brandy, with a lingering, fruity and slightly sweet finish.

    Background: KWV 10 Year Old Brandy is produced by pure copper potstill distillation from carefully selected wines derived from the recognized brandy grape cultivars grown in the best suited areas of the Cape Wineland in terms of soil, climate and location.

  • $88.00

    [SG Official Product] Kanoshizuku Craft Gin 40% 700ml (By Yomeishu) with Free Glass

    Used 11 varieties of botanicals with a focus on  Lindera umbellata which is a aromatic tree grown naturally in Japan. 

    •  Dry Gin which you can enjoy the sensitive scent of Lindera umbellata & light taste.
    • Used pure underground water polished by Japan Central Alps.
  • $88.00$123.00

    Kikusui Junmai Daiginjo Sakamai Genshu 17% 720ml

    This genshu, or undiluted sake, is extremely rare. It makes the ideal gift for a special person in your life.

    A Junmai Daiginjo Genshu sake whose deep, sophisticated aromas and mellow rice flavors will waft pleasantly throughout your palate. Enjoy hints of fresh cut apples and the mature, mellow flavor that only genshu can offer.

      Origin   Niigata
      Alcohol   17%
      Polishing   40%
      SMV   *
      Size   720ml
  • $88.00$118.00

    Tosatsuru Junmai Daiginjo Genshu Gold 17% 720ml GB

    Boasting the highest gold award at the National New Sake Fair Tosatsuru Sake Brewery in Kochi produces. This is a special limited edition sake from Junmai Daiginjo. With the old-fashioned manufacturing method, take time and use “Shizuku” method slowly drips from the liquor tank. The rich ginjo incense has an overwhelming fragrance. Does not make you feel the alcohol content of 17 degrees. Excellent sharpness and umami. It is a perfect expression of Tosa’s sake-like “light and dry”. It is a famous sake that represents the brewery along with THE Tosatsuru.

    Rice: Yamadanishiki

      Origin   Kochi
      Alcohol   17%
      Polishing   30%
      SMV   +4
      Size   720ml
  • $88.00$125.00

    [SG Official Product] Umenoyado Shingura First Sake- Junmai Daiginjo Namazake 720Ml(Gb)-Limited

    Bottling Date: 2022.11

    Origin 奈良 NARA
    Alcohol 16%
    Polishing 50%
    SMV *
    Size 720ML

    “Shinkura Memorial Sake” will be released in limited quantities! ! The memorable Umenoyado Shinkura first sake that can only be tasted this year. We will deliver a limited amount of junmai daiginjo with fresh unpasteurised sake. This is exactly the product that is in the middle of being made at the sake brewery right now.

    Bottling Date: 2022.11

  • $88.00$150.00

    Hakushika Daiginjyo 720Ml

    Bottling Date: 2023.06

    Origin Hyogo
    Alcohol 16-17%
    Polishing 35%
    SMV ±0
    Size 720ml

    Annual Japan Sake Awards 2023 Gold AwardSake.This sake is crafted by hand in smallquantities for the this competition, and ismade with the heart and soul of a brewmaster.It is made from the highest qualityYamadanishiki rice produced in HyogoPrefecture and with 35% rice remaining [65%polished]Carefully fermented at low temperature andsoftly pressed, this sake has an elegantsweetness and a delicate, clear flavor.

    Bottling Date: 2023.06

  • $88.40

    Koshinoiso Ichigoichie 38 JDG 16.5% 720ml

    Uses Yamadanishiki rice of Hyogo with the polishing ratio of 38%. Rich and full flavor. Middle dry. Aged in low temperature. “一期一会” means “Live and enjoys life to its fullest every moment”.

      Origin   福井 Fukui
      Alcohol   17%
      Polishing   38%
      SMV   +4
      Size   720ml
  • $89.00

    Sanwa Iichiko Mugi Shochu Pack 25% 1800ml

    Produced using only selected barley, barley koji, and natural pure water. Iichiko STANDARD 25%vol is a best seller among genuine shochu, with a mellow taste that you cannot have too much of.

      Origin   Oita 大分
      Alcohol   25%
      Size   1800ml



  • $89.00$158.60

    Yoshikubo Ippin Shakubai Daiginjo 16% 720ml

    Bottling Date: 31/5/23

    The company’s flagship label is Ippin—completely handmade, even down to polishing the rice—that balances aromatic dryness with a powerful burst of umami flavor. Gorgeous aroma reminiscent of fruits and flowers.

      Origin   茨城 Ibaraki
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   35%
      SMV   +4
      Size   720ml

    Bottling Date: 31/5/23

  • $89.00

    Suigei Junmai Daiginjo Tora 15% 720ml (GB)

    Suigei Junmai Daiginjo Tora 15% 720ml (GB)

    Sweetness on first sip follwing by slight acidity. Good month feel and Umami. 

      Origin   Kochi 高知 
      Alcohol   15%
      Polishing   50%
      SMV   ±0
      Size   720ml

  • $90.00

    Hanabusa Junmai Ginjo Jyungin Yamadanishiki 16% (Pesticide-Free) 720Ml

    Origin 三重 MIE
    Alcohol 16%
    Polishing 50%
    SMV +3
    Size 720ML

    We use pesticide-free Yamada Nishiki rice cultivated by our own rice fields and local Iga contracted farmers, and polished it to 50%. Junmai Ginjo sake with a faint aroma but a clean and deep taste.
    Rice: Pesticide-free YAMADANISHIKI (MIE IGA)
    Yeast: No.6

  • $92.00

    Hakkaisan Futsuyu 15.5% 1800ml

    This is Hakkaisan’s entry-level sake, made in accordance with our policy “to deliver quality sake to as many people as possible.” The rice is polished down to 60% of its original size and fermentation is done slowly and at a low temperature. This sake was brewed so as to bring out a smooth and clean taste.

      Origin   新潟 Niigata


      Polishing   60%
      SMV   +5
      Size   1800ml
  • $92.00

    Shirataki Jyozen Mizunogotoshi Junmai Ginjo 14% 1800ml

    This sake has matured in the tank for two years at low temperature. It is the “older sister” of the Jozen White. The aroma is a mix of mineral tones and fruit. The first sip is like water rushing over rocks. There are subtle swirls of peach, nectarine and juicy cherry that melt into a delicate rice grain finish. The mineral undertones of the water join together the sweet with the savory, and the past with the present.

      Origin   新潟 Niigata
      Alcohol   16%
      Polishing   55%
      SMV   +3
      Size   1800ml
  • $92.00

    Kirishima Kuro Imo Shochu 25% 1800ml

    Fresh sweet potato and soya Kyushu fresh sweet potato and “Kirishima fissure water” as raw water, and are charged with black koji which is the origin of shochu koji. The deliciousness of authentic Shochu “Black Kirishima” is due to the goodness of the crispy aftertaste, which is a trolley derived from Black Koji preparation. Also, it is very easy to drink soju because there is no habit of scent.

      Origin   Miyazaki 宮崎
      Alcohol   25%
      Size   1800ml


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