Suntory Royal Blended Whiskey 43% 700ml
Suntory Royal Whisky was originally released in 1960 to mark the company’s 60th anniversary, the whisky is a supreme example of the Japanese style of whisky production. An impressive whisky with a rather beautiful bottle, too. Blends of Hibiki, Yamazaki and Hakushu in here.
The original antique bottle is a rare collector’s item.
Toashuzo Golden Horse Musashi Pure Malt Whisky 43% 700ml
Musashi is the pure malt expression from the Golden Horse range, which was relaunched in 2016 alongside the Bushu blended whisky. Golden Horse whiskies are made by Toashuzo, a lesser-known but impressive Japanese producer whose whiskies rarely get released outside of Japan. Soft notes of apple, pear and pineapple, with a core of earthy vanilla pod.
Origin Saitama Alcohol 43% Size 700ml -
$168.00Nagahama Roman 8Yo Pure Malt Whisky 47% 700ml (GB)
Nagahama Distillery founded in 2016 is the smallest distillery in Japan, so their own whisky is not reserved sufficiently yet. Therefore they have been importing whisky from Scotland, where their master blender thoroughly studied about whisky production before the distillery’s foundation. The master blender selected whisky carefully, visiting various distilleries in Scotland. He blended and matured the whisky at Nagahama Distillery.
Nagahama Distillery is located on the side of Lake Biwa which is the largest lake in Japan and called “Mother Lake” . It is said to be very suitable for maturing whisky because amount of the lake’ s water moderates the surrounding climate. The letters of “Roman “ on the bottle mean romance in English. We can say that a new adventure of Nagahama Distillery has begun with the selected whisky in the suitable land.
〜Tasting Notes〜
Aroma: In a balance of gorgeous vanilla aroma and gentle barrel aroma, fruity sweet aroma is powerful and rich. Aroma Ester reminiscent of fresh green apples spreads over the glass over time.
Taste: Spreading malt sweetness, freshness reminiscent of freshly cut apples. The finish has a bitter and spicy taste that tightens the whole. Complex but soft, dry finish is pleasant
Color: Light amber
Non Chill-filtered.
Distillery: Nagahama Distillery
Alcohol Content: 47%
Volume: 700ml
$98.00Nagahama Roman Blended Whisky 43% 700ml (GB)
Nagahama Distillery founded in 2016 is the smallest distillery in Japan, so their own whisky is not reserved sufficiently yet. Therefore they have been importing whisky from Scotland, where their master blender thoroughly studied about whisky production before the distillery’s foundation. The master blender selected whisky carefully, visiting various distilleries in Scotland. He blended and matured the whisky at Nagahama Distillery.
Nagahama Distillery is located on the side of Lake Biwa which is the largest lake in Japan and called “Mother Lake” . It is said to be very suitable for maturing whisky because amount of the lake’ s water moderates the surrounding climate. The letters of “Roman “ on the bottle mean romance in English. We can say that a new adventure of Nagahama Distillery has begun with the selected whisky in the suitable land.
〜Tasting Notes〜
Aroma: Refreshing aroma reminiscent of the richness of chocolate, orange peel and tropical fruits and pleasant herbs.
Taste: Tenderness like white peach, cotton candy and caramel, while maintaining the rich sweetness and freshness. Long finish and lingering gentle taste.
Color: Clear and pale gold
Non Chill-filtered.
Distillery: Nagahama Distillery
Alcohol Content: 43%
Volume: 700ml
Suntory Whisky Kakubin 40% 700ml
Kakubin was first created in 1937 by Shinjiro Torii, Suntory’s founder and first Master Blender. Though initially named “Suntory Whisky,” it was known lovingly as Kakubin, or “square bottle,” due to its unique design. That name and square-cut, tortoise-shell design have remained for more than 80 years, a symbol of Suntory’s commitment to unwavering quality. With a sweet aroma, rich flavor, and dry finish, Kakubin is a highly versatile whisky, and the Kakubin highball is the go-to for many Japanese when they go out for a night of food and drink.
Kurayoshi Pure Malt whisky 43% 700ml
Uses malt whiskey that has been aged in barrels for more than 3 years. A nice smell with mellow sweetness and aroma in which flavor spreads to a mouthful. Each one is made carefully with affection. Enjoy a cup of supreme bliss by one’s favorite way of drinking.
Origin Tottori Alcohol 43% Size 700ml -
Toashuzo Golden Horse Bushu Blended Whisky 43% 700ml
A blended whisky from the Golden Horse range, owned by Japanese company, Toashuzo. The Golden Horse brand previously had age statements on their labels, though since relaunching in 2016 (following a period where Golden Horse fell off the map, so to speak), they no longer feature age statements.
Origin Saitama Alcohol 43% Size 700ml